I agree Mousiffer. What hes trying to do is just disown this guy because it shines a light on the dark side of religion. Its completely dishonest. And what happened to redemption?
Like I said jesus supposedly died for you to repent, and now you override him by first deciding what are the more important commandments, but then saying once you break one of these uber commandments you're expelled from the religion.
People may not need religion to do something evil, but the "my team" mentality it creates certainly contributes. Not to mention you can just repent afterwards and you're all good with the big man. There goes moral responsibility.
Some believe Anders Breivik was a muslim terrorists' agent. He just chose religion: Christianity on his facebook profile and protestant church. Makes sense since people he killed were mostly Christians so he did his goal.
- Lots of christians killed - Making islam looks little better when compared to Christianity in terms of Terrorism. Sounds good, but We all know he didn't murder those people because of his religion but because of his political beliefs. "Breivik described himself as a Christian, though he is critical of the Catholic and Protestant churches" - Wikipedia. |
Christians believe Jesus is God, that they should be paying tithes, that we should fast whenever the pastor says so, and a bunch of other crap that's a result of ignorance.
So, the guy had been breaking rules long before he murdered someone. |
Well, i've been reading quite alot of the comments. I am a christian myself. Yes. However, i do believe there can be Christian terrorists and this guy who killed the people is one.
Take this scenario: An Arab man goes on a killing spree due to his, lets say, insanity. Everyone would be quick to jump to the gun that he is a muslim terrorist. Oooh. Now, a Christian man goes on a killing spree, due to possibly his religious beliefs. All Christians go "Oooh no, he is not a christian because we aren't taught that" How ignorant and stupid are you? You think Muslims are taught to kill? Oh sure.. cos the US government and everyone would just let people be schooled religiously on how to kill -.- Use your heads. Noone would allow that, and although my knowledge on the Qur'an is limited, I sure as hell know that noone is being taught to kill in mosques, unless due to some extreme brainwashing and extreme underlying means. Simply put; We have our first mass-murderer Christian terrorist of the 21st century.. There were countless before him. Don't be narrow minded. |
SilencedWhisper wrote:
Well, i've been reading quite alot of the comments. I am a christian myself. Yes. However, i do believe there can be Christian terrorists and this guy who killed the people is one. This. Religion isn't the majority factor that makes you a killer. Anyone of any race, culture, or ethnic background could be a terrorist. |
With that logic anyone who breaks a commandment is no longer Christian. And that is not how it works. Just because you break the rules doesn't mean you stop playing the game. He is still a Christian. A bad one, but a Christian none the less.
Edit: To expand on this more, like another poster said, if that is how you view religion then no one is really a Christian because we have all broken at least one of the commandments in one way or another. The bible clearly states that no one is without sin. Meaning even without actually breaking these commandments because the sins of the father are passed to the sun, we have ALL broken them in one form or another. If you are a Christian, then you believe that even if you have broken these commandments you can still reach heaven by doing something specific to your type of Christianity. For instance, most baptist believe that all you have to be is be "saved" and accept Jesus into your heart. Catholics believe that you must atone for your sins through prayer and be forgiven. Other believe you must do certain things in ensure your spot in heaven.
All of this being said, just by breaking a few rules or not following closely to what is taught in the bible does not forfeit your Christianity. In fact, at lot of different types of Christianity believe that once you have accepted Jesus into your heart, you can commit as many crimes as you want, do horrible unspeakable things. Kill hundreds of people, and still get into heaven because you asked for his forgiveness and took him into your heart. So breaking a rule or two does not make you loose your Christianity, it just makes you a bad Christian.