I've read all the comment's and it seems that the argument here is that there can't be Christian terrorist or extremist because Christianity is against killing. However, I would think the Crusaders could be considered "Christian Extremest" as they also killed in the name of god. And as we have established, killing is completely against the religion, against what god wants. It violates one of the main rules of this religion. You could also say that the WestBoro Baptist Church are Terrorist or extremist because they inflict terror on those who they protest about, such as gays or military members. Now, thinking about this logically they invoke terror by there protest and hate speeches about killing homosexuals, and gods vengeance on those who go against his will, ETC. I mean in the simplest of interpretations they are spreading hate instead of love, which is a extreme difference from Christianity as Christianity teaches love and not hate.

So yes, to kill in the name of God would not make you a terrorist per-say, but certainly you can make an argument that the act itself is a form of terrorist or extremest action by these religious members who are doing this action because of there belief. And this belief is based on a interpretation of there religion that differs from others. The same with spreading hate in the name of God.
Ganing wrote:
Bro, quit calling me ignorant and spelling stuff wrong. That's offensive you know. To you. Cause if I'm ignorant, then you are damn stupid. The meaning of terrorism is simple, "to inflict terror". Perhaps the one who doesn't know the term "racism" should pull out a dictionary.

Excuse me, but I don't seem to know what Maccabees is.

Ohooooo sir Ganing is mad!
Stop being an Hypocrite, and accept the fact that there are both Christians AND Muslim terrorists and THAN i'll stop calling you ignorant,because this is more offencive than anything else to me.
Well, I've posted http://www.byond.com/members/ Acebloke?command=view_post&post=116258. I wasn't concerned with that, thanks for bringing it up though because it reminded me.

But every now and then,I still here stories on the news about those sort of things happening. Man beats wife most of the time, but that doesn't only happen by men of Muslim faith.

I still hear of a lot of people who Don't support here in America because we know of the threats Sharia Law can impose, perhaps the average Muslim doesn't support Sharia Law, the big dogs make it clear they do and it's been going on in the Middle East at least more recently. I've even had a school class history lesson on a Muslim women who put to jail for standing up against it, only recently have women been able to wear pants there as well.

I'm not trying to beef with people of Muslim decent, I don't care if you've been a Muslim for 18 years or not, as long as they drop the practices. I'm a Christian, but Islam is anti-Christian and as long as killing/jailing My people is reasonable or applauded, I'm against it. I'm against those who are against us, not in the form that I would want to hurt that person because that would be wrong according to my God. I have no problem with you KidPaddle, I have a problem with the religion Muslims practice.
Boxcar wrote:

Dahhhhh, Pentecostal here bro. Protestant all the way.
@ Gaining
Don't bother about them pointing out mis spellings, your trying to speak your mind and have them read it as soon as possible. xD

It's their way of trying to upset you >.< It a subject changer and a display of anger. Ignore it : )

ps. Anyone can use a Language translator on the internet. xD
It is possible that knows other languages though, depending on where he lives it can be very possible. (Being Bi-lingual is cool! *works at it* "Si.." I'm so close! >: ))
Ohhhh quiet simple as a tactic:this is currently whats happening in your head;
Nothing to say i'll attack his religion and say im not against Him.

Are you crazy?

but i'm not like you,i'm respectful,i know what a debate is,and i won't say anything bad about Christians.

@Ganing,changing topic again lol?
Now we're no longer in religion and we're in spelling mistakes?
My point is that there are many types of Christianity and it can be warped just like middle eastern religions. Just because somebody commits a monstrous crime doesn't mean that you can just disown them to save face.

And you certainly cant claim that nobody of the christian faith is a terrorist but its o.k to label people that from other religions.
I've never said there could not be Christian Extremist. I have not said there can not be Christian terrorist. This is not about whether than can or can't be. This is about if this guy is or isn't. I don't know where this other stuff comes from.
Kidpaddle45 wrote:
but i'm not like you,i'm respectful,i know what a debate is,and i won't say anything bad about Christians.

@Ganing,changing topic again lol?
Now we're no longer in religion and we're in spelling mistakes?

Respecful? How many times have you insulted me?
You've changed the subject numerous times by insulting me.
Now come on bic boi, whatcha got?

Don't change topic,we're in spelling mistakes now:

Its BIG not bic
Its BOY not boy

Its WHAT DO YOU GOT not whatcha got
But he is a christian, just an extremist. That's the whole point. You denying him being a christian because of his monstrous actions is the part that I cant agree on.

Its sort of like how people debate if Hitler was an atheist or a theist. He's the guy nobody wants on their team. What they don't seem to understand is that an extremist should not get to represent the face of a belief/religion/lack of belief.

But you don't get to disown them because they have taken an extremist position. That's where they branched from, even if it doesn't reflect the core of the original beliefs.The extremist tag is what represents the branching off.

It does raise questions though about the core of said ideology. It gives you a reason to reflect on what you think your core is and it helps you advance as a person.
I wasn't trying to change the topic, that was a ps xD

I'm not running out of words to say, I'm thinking, this is getting boring. lol, I wouldn't attack your religion because I was running out of words to say, that'd be a dirty blow. I simply stated that I have a problem with Islam. I'm Respectful! xD Simply, strongly outspoken?
Kidpaddle45 wrote:
Don't change topic,we're in spelling mistakes now:

Its BIG not bic
Its BOY not boy

Its WHAT DO YOU GOT not whatcha got

I believe you are the one changing the topic. And please, I am a Grammar Nazi. They were spelt like that on purpose, but obviously you wouldn't understand.

"Don't change topic,we're in spelling mistakes now:"
-You forgot the word "the" in between change and topic. You also forgot the space after the comma.

"Its BIG not bic
Its BOY not boy"
-It's has an apostrophe. Also, sentences end with a period. Don't forget end between BIG and not, and BOY and not.

"Its WHAT DO YOU GOT not whatcha got"
-Once again, you forgot the apostrophe. You also forgot a comma after GOT. Don't for get the period at the end of the sentence.

Now please, quit wasting time because you've lost this debate.
lol, this topic is getting crazy xD

We're getting off topic.
Boxcar wrote:
But he is a christian, just an extremist. That's the whole point. You denying him being a christian because of his monstrous actions is the part that I cant agree on.

Its sort of like how people debate if Hitler was an atheist or a theist. He's the guy nobody wants on their team. What they don't seem to understand is that an extremist should not get to represent the face of a belief/religion/lack of belief.

But you don't get to disown them because they have taken an extremist position. That's where they branched from, even if it doesn't reflect the core of the original beliefs.

It does raise questions though about the core of said ideology. It gives you a reason to reflect on what you think your core is and it helps you advance as a person.

Have I said he's not a Christian? I don't remember so, but if I did... let me clear it up. "His actions were not Christian, nor justified by his belief."
In term of being a Grammar Nazi maybe. =D

But not in our real discussion.
Now if to you,winning is having the last comment than you're IGNORANT haha!
He's not a Christian Extremist. Nor a Christian terrorist.

Thats directly from your blogpost.

It can be your opinion however that he doesn't reflect your core beliefs, but you cant deny him those tags.
Kidpaddle45 wrote:
In term of being a Grammar Nazi maybe. =D

But not in our real discussion.
Now if to you,winning is having the last comment than you're IGNORANT haha!(i love the fact that you wrote this as a comment earlier)

I can barely understand your last sentence, but tell me, how have you won this debate? Hm?
Is IGNORANT the word of the month or something? Cause it's August so...Stop capping it. If you do your "IGNORANT" caps word, that will make me RANT on this topic or simply IGNORe it..
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