Since this is just the gameplay itself, I should list what I plan to do with it too, huh?
In the future, I'd like:
- scorekeeping. I've thought of a way to do it, it's just a matter of, well, doing it.
- sounds. Inspired a bit by Chime and Matrix.swf, I think I can do some pretty neat things with sound.
- difficulty modes. It's already built in, but an option to choose them isn't really shown.
- color selection. By this, I mean being able to choose how many colors are present.
- game modes. I came up with two typical game modes: progressive and traditional. Progressive puzzles would start with 2 colors, and work their way up to the max, whatever it may be. Traditional games would choose how many colors are present.
Obligatory screenshot:
Overall, I'd say it's pretty ambitious. If I follow release early, release often, it's not nearly as bad than if I were to try to cram all of that into the first release. It'd never get done, like some other unnamed project I got bored of after working on it for a week.