Keywords: rocketdown
What have I been doing? Work, that's what! I was recently attacked by the evil, that is evil, called kidney stones but that did not slow me down. So, I bet you want to see something from the game.

Well here you go:
Click Here

We are working hard to make a totally exciting and fun game for you! Yes, you... specifically you. Probably not, but just think we are.

The forums are also now up!

Uhhhgh. Kidney stones suck, man. I don't even wanna think about it.
Fugsnarf wrote:
Uhhhgh. Kidney stones suck, man. I don't even wanna think about it.

Yeah, they do! Did you like the weapons?
Great showcase! i just have yet to see the player sprite
Zane444 wrote:
Great showcase! i just have yet to see the player sprite

I am just the GUI artist. You will have to ask Oasiscircle on that one.

Looks awesome :D
Atriosv3 wrote:
Looks awesome :D

Thank you! :3
But what are those line things on the guns, are those watermarks?
Atriosv3 wrote:
But what are those line things on the guns, are those watermarks?

Yes that is a watermark.
@Akto: What? I thought it was a background. ;)
Oasiscircle wrote:
@Akto: What? I thought it was a background. ;)

.> Shush you!
Crazy good!
Heyya46 wrote:
Crazy good!

Why, thank you.
Dayum. Epic
I'm not digging the texture you're applying to the dark gray.

It makes it feel like there's something wrong with my monitor.
@D4RK3: That would be a circular watermark. Not part of the actual images. ;)
Ungh, not another pbpBB forum.

Game looks neat, though.
@SuperAntx: PhpBB is a very strong and compact forum platform.
And it got better when they upgraded to 3.0 which opened up a lot of things you can change and make customized.

It's also a lot better when you actually have the phpBB forum on a server that you have control over rather than having someone else host it.
Gj, Akto punch.
Get well! =)
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