Keywords: rocketdown

Poll: How fast is your internet? (Upload)

<1 Mbps 23% (10)
1-3Mbps 25% (11)
4-7Mbps 18% (8)
8-10Mbps 11% (5)
11-20Mbps 4% (2)
21-30Mbps 6% (3)
31-50Mbps 2% (1)
51-100Mbps 0% (0)
100+ Mbps 6% (3)

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Use to determine your speed!
Please be truthful. (:

I'm just curious, because I'm pretty low ranking on the United States national scale and I can still run Rocket Down with only a little choppiness from an international server.
I missclicked, I ment to vote for eight. >.>

Errr... as far as i'm aware.. my internet speed was never this fast o.o .. but this is what the test says...

Generally i never download a file at more than 2 meg a sec.. this speed seems wrong.. but that's what it says.
I pay for 10MB/s, I get about 2MB/s.

Fuck Charter.
@SuperAntx: I pay for 3Mbps and I get a 0.85Mbps. ):
I pay 15$ a month and have TV and internet 10mbps download and 1mpbs upload.

Funny enough, my upload failed in the end.

@Darker Legends: That's a pretty good upload you have there.
Thanks. :P
I swear my internet got slower, a month ago it said I was faster than 96% of the U.S.
All these 20+down/3.5+up are making my 1.2/0.8 look like complete crap, haha.
I can't help but notice that some peeps are obviously confusing upload for download while voting in this poll.
On a given day my download speed fluctuates between 2KB/s and 200KB/s.

These speed tests usually tell me that I get around 2Mb/s(or roughly 256KB/s). It doesn't help that they measure in bits, rather than bytes, so the number they show is 8x what you see when downloading something at max speed, provided your program is displaying the standard bytes per second.
@Murrawhip: It's fine. Download is actually more of what I was looking for I guess, since the majority of communication between a BYOND server and its client is download speed.
This was to gauge if the average person in the community would be able to run Rocket Down reasonably. (:
Oasiscircle wrote:
@Murrawhip: It's fine. Download is actually more of what I was looking for I guess, since the majority of communication between a BYOND server and its client is download speed.

But now I don't know if the voter read it correctly or not! It's agony!
@Robertbanks2: The reason they do that is because information is sent in bits, standard binary TRUE/FALSE rather than in groups of bits: bytes.
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