Keywords: rocketdown
Explosives are quite fun to make.
I think I need to fix up the physics a little bit.
No audio commentary at the moment, I have to go somewhere quite soon! (:

Things for the future:
*Ability to hold down right-click to "cook" the grenade.
*A little display around the grenade to show the countdown.
*Different effects for grenades (Like ice/flash/fire)
*Suggest more?! (:

I also like when grenades explode if you hold them too long. I don't know, something just irks me about games where you can hold the nade as long as you want.

I think in Americas Army, you can cook grenades and you can also throw uncooked grenades back at whoever tossed them at you. I may be wrong though because I haven't played in years.
@EmpirezTeam: I was thinking of doing a "kick" function that could be put on the S key. It just shoots the grenade in the direction in accordance to where you and the grenade are positioned.
But I'm not sure if that'd be good.

But yes, the cooking function would be very helpful for quick throws.
lol i thought the boom was going to be much bigger