Well, as of late I've been making posts on things I've been randomly figuring out on BYOND. Well, I got a new one.

I'm sure if you've been programing for awhile, you've run across a situation were you needed to assign an atom's variable to another atom. Which, as I've always done it, would turn out like this.


This is fine and dandy until you want to access variables within this variable. Now, you could COMPLETELY trust your programming and do it the non-advised src.sword:sharpness way. Notice the : . Or you could even do it the safe var/obj/weapons/sword/SWORD = src.sword;if(istype(SWORD,/obj/weapons/ sword/)){"sword"}

Or, you could make the variable STRICTLY for obj/weapons/sword path... Like so.


mob/verb/Change_Sword_Sharpness(N as num)


Now, granted. This way will still require a path check(the if I used). However, I can't help but feel as though this method might prove to help save a line of code here and there :p...
You've been here since '03 and you just now figured this out?
I focus on other things like imcompentense :p.... Leave me be!
I'd name the variable "weapon" rather than "sword" so you don't get confused by thinking the variable is of /obj/weapons/sword (which would be mob/var/obj/weapons/sword/sword) rather than /obj/weapons.

I think it pretty much stems from the whole "typecasting" concept.
Kaiocho, it was more or less an example on paths playing an effect on variables. Also, typecasting >.<?