These are the rules to my Naruto Ninja Moo Moo Server follow them, so in the end you dont get punished.

If you break the rules one time it results in as a warning. If you break them a second time it result on waiting a round. If you break the rules a third time it results in a ban for an hour. After that it becomes a day. Also if you keep constantly breaking the rules, it will result in a perma-ban depending on the situation.

Rule #1:DO NOT RELOG WHEN YOU DIE, if you die accept it like fairly and just wait for revive or the end of round.

Rule #2:Do not Bug abuse, if you do Bug by accident,advise me in advance before anything and depending on what kind of bug will you be required to relog or see what we( me and the players) can do about the situation, dont go running around bugged and going "weeee ima go be a dick and screw the game up", that isnt gonna happen since players will exploit your bug abusing.

Rule #3:DO NOT TK,ive seen this happen too many freaking times on purpose, if its by accident its understood...your stupid(jk), but if you tk on purpose you will be punished and will wait a round to end while being kicked out of the round you already DO NOT TK.

Rule #4: Do not Q and S to bug yourself or spam, go at the given delay that the characters have unless its does jutsus where it makes the character stuck, otherwise DONT.

Rule #5: No casting jutsus while being dead.

Rule #6: No Multiclanning/Character, if you do get it by accident then dont use the jutsus of the other character, no matter how...tempting might be...mmmm...well yeah dont use the jutsus or multi.

Rule #7: No chat spam

Rules #8: Characters, there will be some rules for most of the character:

Shino:can only use have one bug trap(may consider two)

Sasuke: no god damn snakes

Naruto:no god damn clones

Sai:only one dragon at a time

Gaara: no shuriken,i dont care what you have to say, no shurikens

Orochimaru: no SELF HEALING or MOVING YOURSELF TO OTHER COMRADES TO HEAL/REVIVE, pretty bullshit or snakes

Saikon:no snakes

Itachi: No Susanoo running

Ino:dont control players while dead.

Yamato:(might consider lowering amount of wood walls by 4)

(might add in more)

Can you please un bann me
Xeon make sure that your active on your server. Since theres bug abusers,tkers, and Multiclanners/Multikeyers.
Xeon here's something I found out or you should add. I think you should block guests since MUltikeyers are going on now. I found out a key named "Velentry" was doing something very stupid. She was spamming ground smash. Eventually I was able to escape then Gaara tsunamied me. I eneded u on a tall building. Then she appeared above me and started to ground smash me to the ground. I have no reason why she did that but she was very annoying and stupid. She was calling other memebers retarded,assholes, and etc. She also had said stfu.
Ill deal with that as soon as i can also if anyone can see this message, Naruto Ninja Moo Moo and Naruto Moo Moo may have to close down soon, and by soon i mean probably in a few days. I need to work on the comps in order for the other one to be able to host as well, since im about to move and all, but for now just enjoy it as much as you can or to the point where you die of ninja moo moo overload....whichever.
dude you need to un ban me, because you said no htmling right when I was typing... And the person who did that shit was Ashely each time she joins a server it does that... She just did it to another server.
Super3222 is a html abuser as will as Gorchi Ashi you need to ban hem instead of me -__-