BYOND Version:489
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 12.0.742.122
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Unverified

Thus far we've been unable to verify or reproduce this bug. Or, it has been observed but it cannot be triggered with a reliable test case. You can help us out by editing your report or adding a comment with more information.
There appears to be an issue I encounter when attempting to Run my game project on Dream Maker. After compiling and Running it, it doesn't actually load. I have tried various things such as a clean compile but nothing seems to work. After deactivating the map it DID run so I assumed it was a problem regarding the Map.dmm file. I then took it upon my self to reduce the dimensions of the map (as it was previously x=650,y=650,z=3) to x=300,y=300. But that did not seem to work either. I'm completely stuck as to what the problem is so I imagine it is a bug with the DM being unable to load the Map.dmm so takes an excessive long time.

Furthermore, after running my project I opened Task Manager. In it I saw that the dreamseeker program WAS indeed running and using 47%-50% of my CPU. I initially thought that by having some patience it would run, but after more than 2 hours of wait, I got fed up and so thought it'd be best to report my issue as a Bug in case anyone else was experiencing the same or similar difficulties as myself. I have done tests with other project to try and isolate what the problem may be. I have even tried testing whether it was due to the size of my Map.dmm file, but a different project with a Map.dmm file with greater data consumption ran almost instantly. I tried to see if it was a problem with the Login() procedures implemented into my game, but that did not seem to be the problem.

So I stand by my previous assumption; being that the problem could be with the map.dmm file, however (as previously stated) I have tried reducing the x and y dimensions of the map. Lately, I also tried removing the previous Map.dmm file and making a "New Map.dmm" file. I made it a mere x=10 by y=10 in size, however; I found myself being faced with the same problem (as experienced earlier).
If you have a copy of the project, or a simpler project that shows the same issue, we can take a look at it. You can send any source to me in a .zip at [email protected].

Per our bug report template, it would also help if you could fill in some of the information you left out, like whether this happens on other computers, other games, and any older BYOND versions (and if so where the issue first appeared).
This does indeed happen on other computers as I have shared my project with some people on byond. They have said that they have experienced the same problem. Anyway, I'll send the project to the email you provided.
im having this problem right now? :O weird is there any solutions to it?
In response to Kanj69
Unfortunately you've revived a very old bug report, but you haven't added any new information we would need to identify the issue. Without new information we can't progress on this. Although under the circumstances, I would recommend making a whole new report.