![]() May 14 2009, 8:10 am
Post your comments here!
![]() Dec 24 2011, 3:08 am
Join my game and can you give me the source you promised
Hello Ryan i am requesting for an unbann. Sorry for my behavior before i dont mind if you even make me start from level one. This is the only good nng rip left and i dont want it to go to waste. I have to go to bed its late at night email me at [email protected] and ill check it.
P.S:i would really apreciate if you unban me. =D From Orange |
I am a iconer for 2 years if i cant get that how about Head Admin i am experiance in that
yo my email is [email protected] email me whenever you want to start work bro
my mail is [email protected], i am a paid iconner
Bro, your head game master is giving out free beast, theres the prntscr I took of it.
Why the fuck is your girlfriend abusing verbs, yo hella not cool, she is making several players who have played for a while and invited others quit. You'll never maintain more than a 20 active player average as long as ur game is ran that way.
I made this just for yu. |
Excuse me. Can you host Fairy Tail? Or could you please say when you'll most likely be free enough to host it, like before Sochi 2014 or After Sochi 2014? Thank you for reading! And I hope your life is great and if it's not I hope it'll be great