
mob/var/list/drop = list() //List that holds Monster's Drop
var/savefile/F = new("players/[src.key].sav")
src.V = src.verbs
src.xco = src.x
src.yco = src.y
src.zco = src.z
src<<"<b><i>Your Game has been Saved!"

Problem description: Line 16 is "src.Write(F)"

runtime error: Failed to write variable drop to savefile players/Asterr.sav. The value being written was /list (/list).
proc name: SaveChar (/mob/proc/SaveChar)
source file:,16
usr: Asterr Gairo (/mob)
src: Asterr Gairo (/mob)
call stack:
Asterr Gairo (/mob): SaveChar()
Asterr Gairo (/mob): Save()

What's being added to 'drop'? If it shouldn't be saved, define it as a tmp variable instead.
mob/var/tmp/list/drop = list()
In response to Kaiochao
Kaiochao wrote:
What's being added to 'drop'? If it shouldn't be saved, define it as a tmp variable instead.
> mob/var/tmp/list/drop = list()

Okay that worked but now it's having a problem with var "V" where Verbs are suppose to go, is there something wrong with Save?
In response to Asterr
Try setting V to src.verbs.Copy() and see if that works. There might be something special internally about the object in src.verbs, so it'd be better to make a copy of it. Unfortunately, I don't actually know the exact reason you've been getting either of these errors, as calling datum.Write(savefile) is a proper way of saving an object's variables to a savefile.
In response to Kaiochao
src.V = src.verbs.Copy()
Failed to write variable drop to savefile players/Asterr.sav. The value being written was /list (/list).
proc name: SaveChar (/mob/proc/SaveChar)
source file:,16
usr: Asterr Gairo (/mob)
src: Asterr Gairo (/mob)
call stack:
Asterr Gairo (/mob): SaveChar()
Asterr Gairo (/mob): Save()

This actually shows up even if I take out both lists and goes straight to my verbs...