Remember back when I wasn't so obnoxious? You probably don't, but I had made two games that are rotting on my flash drive.

Empirez was my RTS from a while back. People enjoyed it for the few days I was hosting it. I took it down for whatever reason to make something more appealing.

Thus, after 3 weeks of ruthless work came Metier War, my action game. Brought in around $150. Used it to buy some stuff I don't even use. Nothing special.

BUT, there is a problem: I'm not good at codes. As I explained to Schnit a while back, I have no interest in programming. The only reason why I went through the trouble of figuring things out was because it was apart of game development and I knew I had to either learn it or just be one of those guys who has a bunch of ideas but always has to have other people bring them to life.

That being said, the programming is garbage. You can ask Suicide Shifter. He's probably the only one who has seen it unless he showed it to someone. When I say garbage, I don't mean the games are infested with bugs or anything. I mean I have really bad habits and do things very inefficiently because I never had any interest to perfect my programming, I just wanted to create a game so whatever worked is whatever I went with.

Should I make the games open source anyway? On one hand it would be bad for people to take the source and try and "learn" from it. Then again the retarded people usually only seem to steal the sources from fan-games. It'd probably only appeal to the more capable lot of BYOND.

On the other, a lot of people are better programmers than I am. They could improve the programming and graphics, add some content and make a much better game. Do we even have people motivated enough to do this?
Haha I remember Metier Wars, it definitely has potential. That source code was ugly though, it was more of a headache than anything else. Too bad I paid for mine =\
Do u g0t teh codez for teh narto frog?
Boxcar wrote:
Do u g0t teh codez for teh narto frog?

No, but Metier War did have a Reptar.
Suicide Shifter wrote:
Haha I remember Metier Wars, it definitely has potential. That source code was ugly though, it was more of a headache than anything else. Too bad I paid for mine =\

What did you ever do with it? Was the source so bad that you just said screw it? In that case it probably isn't worth releasing. =/

Does have potential though. All it needed was some actual modes ( Death Match, CTF etc ). Also, Empirez could easily be turned into a 2D DotA.
Hmm I'm not sure what happened, I guess I just lost motivation and got busy with life. I'm sure somebody out there would clean it up. It would be a good example of what 'not' to do, lol

Hah I remember that Reptar
I would say no, simply because people will use it as yet another thing to work with, and learn bad habits from (assuming it's as bad as you say). If you do release it, try to get someone to take a gander and clean it up first, or at least give you suggestions on how to improve it.
If the code is a mess, its not much of a help to someone who would want to improve it. Deciphering messy code is never easy. It would be easier for them to take your graphics and ideas but rewrite the code from scratch. You'd be better off just posting the icons and a description of how the game would work.
Forum_account wrote:
If the code is a mess, its not much of a help to someone who would want to improve it. Deciphering messy code is never easy. It would be easier for them to take your graphics and ideas but rewrite the code from scratch. You'd be better off just posting the icons and a description of how the game would work.

That would probably still be sort of useless though. If all developers needed was graphics and ideas, we'd have tons of games now as there are a lot of free resources on the internet as well as people on this website who have ideas but no one to create them.

Besides, the graphics in both the games aren't really that great. I didn't spend much time on detail and animation, I tried to copy Proelium a little bit as far as that goes. Basically, it'd be giving people rushed sprites and a idea and saying "Now go code it." as opposed to giving them the programming too so all they would have to do is add to it rather than rewrite a bunch of stuff.

Guess I screwed the chances of this being open source by being unenthusiastic when it comes to programming. Nevermind then. :(
Writing code is all about managing the mess. It sounds nice to give people code to start from, but if you're giving them a mess then its not really that helpful.

Giving out icons doesn't always work either. If the users need to modify or add icons, it can be hard to match your style.

You're better off posting ideas about how the game would work. BYOND has surprisingly few posts about game design. Even if nobody ends up taking and implementing the idea, it can be beneficial to discuss how the game would work.
If the source included something I was interested in learn "how" to do, then I'd like to get it, but with undesirable coding it might just be better to keep it to yourself. Then again, if I could learn how to do something I found neat on it, it would spark my interest. If it does things you could easily find in Byond's Resources, then keep it.

-Thanks for Reading
Truseeker wrote:
If the source included something I was interested in learn "how" to do, then I'd like to get it, but with undesirable coding it might just be better to keep it to yourself. Then again, if I could learn how to do something I found neat on it, it would spark my interest. If it does things you could easily find in Byond's Resources, then keep it.

-Thanks for Reading

The intent isn't for people to learn from it, it's for developers to have a game already created for them that they can expound on. But like Forum said, no one will probably want to waste time rewriting a bunch of mediocre code.
ah. (I can comment one word, right?)
nope. we have enough bad code

if you want to contribute, work on your art/code, then release stuff. we have a shortage of artists so you should focus on that, i'd imagine.
SORUCEZ?!!! SOURCEZ??!?!! GIMEE DEH SORUCEZ?! AHHH!!!!!.... Tch... Noob.