Keywords: rocketdown
What has Akto, my GUI artist, been up to lately? Well, it is quite beautiful I'd say!
Here are some of the firearms you could be using during a match of Rocket Down!

Comment below on what you think of them! (:
Me likey.
Awesome .
Props if he did this by hand.(the BG)
@Zane: The "BG" is just a watermark to prevent people from stealing the resources we will be using.
He did everything else by hand, haha!
They look great.
@Tsfreaks: Thanks so much! (:
Still great nonetheless,i thought it was a style which you chose to have when a certain weapon wasn't highlighted. The minigun makes me want to shoot stuff :)
The Napalm is calling out to me...

Great work so far. Looking forward to it.
@Neblim: I watermarked it, because here at BYOND people have stolen work from games, blog posts, .rsc files, and even peoples' own personal portfolio.
So call me what I want, but I can't protect these icons unless there's a legal license somewhere.
I don't want to write up one just to show off some graphical progress.
I've got an unwatermarked version from Sseeettthhhh.
Neblim: It's alright to be paranoid when you've lost one of your greatest projects to an insane ten year old in the past.
@Bumblemore: As if I care that other people know my name. It'll be listed on all the legal licenses for the game anyway. And I don't believe you have a clean copy.

You also need to get on MSN more. If you're not active you can't be on the team.
Don't you remember the time you sent me them over MSN? And it wasn't my intention to snipe at you or anything like that.
Neblim: I'd rather not say without a certain person's permission.
Napalm <3
Yes, Napalm does look quite nice! (:
Oasis, you have GOT to see my EPIC napalm jet fire thing.
@D4RK3: Thanks! (: