So, Leon and I figured out something! :O. Those Naruto games with them ol' Log training are boring ! Why can't it be like Falacy's HU(Heroes United)? Why can't we play as one of our favorite characters instead of choosin' one ?
Perfect idea ! Why don't create a Sidescroller game?! So latley Leon and I started a small all based PvP game named, Naruto VS. It's like those amazing MUGEN games, but on BYOND :D . It's in Beta stages and still developing but I think it can still get listed? Like C'mon, is there a BYOND Naruto-mugen type game thats listed? It's in good shape right now, 16 playable characters, 2 maps, 32-48 jutsus, and epic gameplay ^^. Go check it out and don't forget to Fan+Fave the game ! =)
~Fallen Productions
Jul 11 2011, 8:11 pm (Edited on Jul 13 2011, 6:26 am)