Good News: One reason it got delayed was because I was implementing and testing out a sexy light system provided by D4RK354B3R the light system is only available Here and is pretty epic.
Bad News: The "louder" portion of the update couldn't work with the light system and I just got a bit too busy, so I fixed up a few issues around and I think it's ready.
Officially Open-Aplha.
You can download stranded from its hub or using this direct link Here.
runtime error: Cannot modify
proc name: Die (/mob/proc/Die)
source file:,229
usr: Boxcar (/mob/Player)
src: Boxcar (/mob/Player)
call stack:
Boxcar (/mob/Player): Die("dehydration")
Boxcar (/mob/Player): Thirst()
Boxcar (/mob/Player): StatusSet()
In the runtime error it says I died of dehydration so im going to give it another go and see if I cant just drink the ocean water...