Keywords: overlay, problem
(See the best response by Dariuc.)
if(src.equiped == 1)
src:equiped = 0
usr<<'Som/Sounds/Sound (3).wav'
usr.overlays -= /obj/Armor/Armor1
usr.overlays -= /obj/Armor/Armor1
usr.overlays -= /obj/Armor/Armor1
src.suffix = ""
src:equiped = 1
usr.overlays += /obj/Armor/Armor1
src.suffix = "Equiped"
usr<<'Som/Sounds/Sound (4).wav'
usr<<"equiped [src]!"

Problem description:

Hello everybody, My overlays...
They usually work, but if I log out of game(the game is saved) the overlay does not come out .he only comes out if I use overlays = null what do I do?
How do I remove it every time he unequip the item?I would like to remove the layer of armor all, they are made up of layers.Clothing, armor and etc.
Did you save the overlays?
I tend to save overlays in a list.
Double check.
Best response
This post explains the issue you are having, as well as offers solutions.

The Pitfalls of Saves