Just now Zane gave me a message you all should know.
Rashad,Zane444 says (11:34 AM):
i thought about it ,i dont think im going to quit.i just need a break from pixel art for awhile
Now. Just because he's staying, doesn't mean we're abandoning this:
We need your Souls, Erm, Pixel Artists!
Project TH is back on track, we won't be dying (...soon). But that doesn't change the fact Zane can't LITERALLY do everything!
This is where you, our devoted fans, and growing fans, will come in.
We need people willing to learn/splurge into Isometric Pixel Art.
Do NOT expect to be paid before we obtain the first donations.
We might even make it a contest of sorts if that helps.
We just would like everyone who can/cares to submit one 8-Directional Isometric monster, TO SCALE COMPARISON with a 32x64 pixel human. This means your god damn tigers should be 64x32 for example. And your Dragons sure as fuck better be roughly 160x96 or so if their head is lowered!
Attacks and the sort will be required.
Blatant Rip off of special media monsters (IE: Hollows, Heartless) will be ignored.
Completely unique and badass creatures will get special credits in the ending credits for the chapter(s) it appears in.
You get the idea. If we get enough submissions, they'll be offered a reward once we get the donations in. Top 3 jobs will get a prize (by top 3, I mean those Zane REALLY likes).
Prizes will be decided by us and include In-Game Benefits, and possibly a Cash prize for first, a small one of course.
Those who want to join the team fulltime are welcomed, we need more Full-Time PAs too. Let's face it, he's still one man, and even if you guys produce for us a LOT of nice monsters, most of you are predictably going to do dragons anyhow! At least try to make different dragon species! There's more than Red Dragons out there people, and WAY more than Fire Dragons!
Seriously, D&D has Dozens, why not try to make something entirely new?
We'll hope you all will help us to bring Twilight Herald to Life. It is supposed to be a world you can immerse yourself in, to bring your deepest dreams into reality.
Show us YOUR dreams! We'll make it a Reality!
...My god I just made a catchphrase.
![]() Jun 29 2011, 6:47 am (Edited on Jun 29 2011, 6:57 am)
I like the Dragons that eat people who wish for Wish Granting Dragons. -Latoma.
To whomever it may concern.
If you offer your pixel services to TH.. and actually help the team, i'll buy you a membership. Now please do it. <3 lol :) Yours truly Teka. |
Also if you end up as a long term member of the team i will further donate $20 to you by paypal towards your efforts.
This will clearly mean that you will have to stick with TH for a decent amount of time and have contributed a sufficient amount of work as a full time member. I will need to know that you have contributed enough based on Latoma and Fugsnarf's opinion, Before i continue to pay you for your efforts. |
I nearly cried when i saw this.. cos i just started and finished my first isometric building.. [Farts on contest] -Nuff Said :)
Off-topic: I like the kind of dragons that grant you wishes after you collect certain items ;)