(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
Is there a way to globally disable the right-click context menu that lists atom verbs?

I know I can do it verb-by-verb, but I want to just disable all the context menus so I can thoroughly customize right clicks. If the player right-clicks an atom on the map, I don't want him to see the verbs. Is there a global setting or switch I'm missing? I can't seem to find one.

Update - NM... I found it. client.show_popup_menus
Best response
There's a couple ways to do this.
  • Set client.show_popup_menus to false.
  • Check the "Send right-clicks to mouse procs" checkbox in the map control's options.
Thanks Kaiochao... looks like you answered while I was posting my update. 'Appreciate the prompt reply.