Currently in Testing Mode.
Version: Cleaning up verbs and placeholders.
Owners(Same people): Xirre, Kingmasherr, and Kingmasher
Co-Owners: None Set {Being Earned}
GFX Artist: {Needed}
Interface Manager: Xirre {Closed}
Map Designer: Xirre {Closed}
Music Artist: {Needed}
Pixel Artist: {Needed}
Programmer: Xirre {Closed}
Voice Recorder: {Needed/[2 of each gender]- 2 Girls voice and 2 Boys voice}
Host: Xirre {Closed}
Affiliates: Dashing101, Teka123 {Feel Free}
At the moment we are looking for staff to fill in the spots. The Key Hints are as followed: {Needed} followed by a - indicates a certain requirement.
{Feel Free} means that anybody can come Affiliate with us. As long as you advertise us we will advertise you.
{Closed} means that no matter how good you are, we will not accept you in this field.
{Needed} means we need a range of 1 - 10 of these to fit our needs.
{Needed} followed by a /[number] indicates the maximum number needed.
{Being Earned} means the spot is currently pending status for a selected few. Others may be eligible but they must work hard and be loyal.
Thanks to all those who participated and are participating in helping develop this game.
Note: If anybody is willing on video recording this game and making a link for us to post on this hub we would greatly appreciate it.
Desetsu by Flysbad
Dance of Shadows by Dariuc
Angel Falls by Teka123
May 14 2011, 10:00 pm
Jun 27 2011, 12:54 pm
download zip doesnt work
That's because there is no download and there will may never be a download. Only staff members currently have the download. If the game gets too big to fill up a server or two then we will release the host files. But if anything goes wrong then we'll shut down the host files (Yes, we can make it so you can't host.) :) - Just look forward to the game being hosted. Right now I am testing the game. Nobody can join so sorry.
I wish i could test lol.
It's kind of sitting in the submission section waiting for me to test it after all. |
Lol. I think I'll let you test tommorow, Tim. You could have told me you had to actually JOIN it. I'll let Makeii host. Lol. You ready Makeii? ;)
Alright, if anybody can figure out what would be needed to patent and copyright an idea for a game, this one, then I will host it immediately after it is patented and stuff. This is for the US. The state of Florida by the way.
There is no way you can patent and copyright anything without proper lawyer consultation, especially for something like a BYOND game.
I've been making it for a while. You're late. :3 And it's already making great progress.
Not like I was told. Or a message was sent to my pager about,"Oh Xirre has created a game! Check it out!". Didn't get anything like that. Must have missed the invite.
I invited you. :) Sure did. Invited a lot of people. The game gets about 100+ plays a day. Guaranteed. I just need to finish quests to keep them on and get rid of some minor bugs. But I've been busy with school. Lol.
Thanks for the motivation. :) I'm still working on it. I just have to prepare for college. So I've been busy lately.
Been following the game for a bit, and will continue to do so. As far as you go Xirre, you're definitely better than most BYOND members I know. I like your hard-set path and recruiting scheme (if rather blunt). I for one will support this if a subscriber/donate option ever becomes available.
I'll give my Shell Server a few more important updates then I'll be working on this. You've motivated me to put more work in to this game. :) I've been thinking nobody cared much for seeing it finished. And I do admit.. The new base looks like Af's base. I need to icon it differently. I've never done my own base before.. So when I did that one, I was actually playing AF at the time and it went in to my thought as to how to draw a human.. I need pure originality for my artwork. I need practice..
You think you need practice? Your art on your game is better than I could do in 2 hours. Seriously. I've put my faith in a lot of things, and some of them have turned well because of it, if only for a while. Happy to hear you were motivated ^-^ If I can help in any way, just ask. (Trying to learn how to pixel art.)