As crude gets to $75 a barrel, and the americans are complaining about it being 3 dollars a gallon, here in Europe we're still paying over twice as much. True, a lot of that is actually tax, but the last time we were paying about 45 pence (the rough cost america is paying now) a litre was over a decade ago. 100.9p a litre now in some places. Converted, we're paying around $7 a gallon.

On a side note, kids are getting fatter, even here. Apparently its averaging 1 in 4.
Is that a fat joke?
It sucks that America is poisoning the rest of the world.
What we need is a Eurasian socialist alliance of some sort to combat America.
Socialist-ise the EU, its too "social democrat" and not enough "socialist".
Britain is like, the fattest country in Europe now, I hear?
Haha. So we lazy Americans can now take lessons on how to be the fattest from Elation's motherland. :)
Everyone is fat in America. The stereotype really is true.

As for oil, the people you hear complaining are the SUV dorks that drive everywhere in a vehicle that's meant to be for handeling off-road trails. The prices aren't THAT bad. Plus, here, everything is spaced out. A lot of people have to drive for hours to get to work every day.
"Plus, here, everything is spaced out. A lot of people have to drive for hours to get to work every day."

And people here dont ? what sort of stupid justification is that ? Suprisingly, not everywhere we work is right next to us here either.
Everyone is fat in Southern America. The stereotype really is true.

Don't be silly, Acebloke!
Every real American knows that London is the only English city and everyone lives there.
It's gotten as high as $1.40 a litre over in Aussieland. That's pretty damned ridiculous if you convert it. Times used to be where if you suggested petrol could be over a dollar a litre people would think you're mad. Woe.

And before anyone suggests that Aussieland is cramped, you should be aware that we've got some of the lowest population densities of any civilised country, and that Australia is the same size as mainland America.
And people here dont ? what sort of stupid justification is that ? Suprisingly, not everywhere we work is right next to us here either.

A big difference here I think is that mass transit is very crappy. I know it is certainly true in Baltimore. Whenever there is a new proposal to expand the current system bunches of people start complaining, the price tag finally gets estimated, and eventually the plan just gets dropped altogether or they just half ass it and only build a semblance of real mass transit. Case and point: Baltimore decided to build a subway system in the 1960's and the original plan called for 6 lines radiating out from the city's center. After all was said and done we got one line that runs from the northwest to downtown. So basically if you don't live in the northwest then you can forget about using it.
Around here you pretty much have to drive or you don't get around at all.
Kunark Said:
Everyone is fat in America. The stereotype really is true.

Have you even been to america? Not everyone is fat in america, not even close, so please don't talk unless you seriusly know what your talking about. Kah?
Kunark lives in America. -_-
European girls:
American girls:


Not entirely true, of course, as we Americans have some of the world's most beautiful women. But if you take the statistical averages.....
"as we Americans have some of the world's most beautiful women."

Thats totaly dependent on our sexual tastes though, and I'm more for middle-eastern and asian :P
European girls are slutty though!

Go to, turn of filterring, and do an image search for "american girl". Then do a search for "european girl". Ha!
Thanks for that ;) :P
White girls never look good to me. :/
Black girls half of the time look good.
Mexican girls for the win.
European girls for the win as well.

Tha end.
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