Basically, you are a boy with no life. You must interact with various objects to try and increase your rage so that you can kill yourself. Doing things like turning on your xbox or playing with the magickarp are the easiest ways to do this. The medals on the hub help set goals for the game, since it already being pretty small and can get boring pretty fast.
Also, for a fee of 4$, you can subscribe and get premium. This allows you to access other things that can make killing yourself funnier/bloodier. The icons aren't taken from anywhere that I know of, so I assume that they're original. The gameplay is unique but short, so it can get boring. Overall, I give the game a 3/5.
Casual Quest by: IainPeregrine
You start out as an adventurer in the grasslands of some unknown place. You and your partner(s) must fight against wave after wave of different types of enemies. After an amount of time, a situation will appear. Depending on what you choose to do, your class will change from adventurer to something else. Being able to shoot fire or arrows and summon genies is no small bonus when it comes to bosses. After every 20 waves, you will gain an ancient object. Each object is guarded by a boss, with very strong enemies/mini-bosses assisting the weaker enemies in other waves.
The mob appears to be custom-made, and all the turf and the rest of the icons are fine. The gameplay isn't boring and will keep you hooked until you reach the very end (Around wave 160, I assume). Also, BYOND members and subscribes to other games can get bonuses as well. BYOND Members can start off as "Member Adventurer", which has a shield and can heal. Regrassia Subscribes start with a hero that has a shield and can also heal and has high health. Hazordhu subscribes start with an orc with flaming arrows and a bloody axe. Overall, I give this game a 10/10 for being awesome.