When assigning macros to various commands, I notice that in some instances it does not call specific commands, but only in relation to specific macros.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1. Set proj_attack command to macro Z.
2. Step in the southeast direction and press Z.
3. Nothing produces. Every other direction, the command works.
4. Set proj_attack command to macro SPACE.
5. Step in the southeast direction and press Z.
6. It works. Try southwest direction, nothing happens.
7. Set proj_attack command to macro A.
8. Every direction works.
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
I know for a fact my move() procedure isn't causing the issue via testing, but have determined it is not even calling proj_attack() when the macro is pressed. I'll relay all the client verbs.
client {
verb {
move_left() {
set instant=1
if(p.moving) { return}
// the same goes for up, down, and right.
// move() appends when left, right, up, and down variables are set
// so that way players can move diagonally
proj_attack() {
set instant=1
var/game/projectile/throw/arrow/new_proj = new /game/projectile/throw/arrow(p,p.current_angle)
new_proj.mob = new /mob(new_proj)
Expected Results:
It should work on any macro key, that shouldn't matter.
Actual Results:
Pending which macro I select (Z or SPACE or others), one of the directions will not work. However, it is always random and for some other macros (ie A), it works for every direction.
The verb proj_attack() is never even called.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every time pending which macro is selected for proj_attack()
In other games? n/a
In other user accounts? Yes
On other computers? Yes
When does the problem NOT occur?
When I select a random macro that works, like A.
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? n/a. Only tested with the latest.
Workarounds: Selecting a random macro that works.