![]() Jan 18 2012, 1:37 am
thank you
ziddy where is your server gone ? will you ever return :( i want to play your hu2 so badly :( pls reply so i can rest
it say connecting to forever why? :(
the game is not loading it just say connecting while other servers like planet all are working except ur server :( |
and i have one more request pls .......... will u increase the focus training exp to its previous ? if not then can u pls tell me the reason why u decreased it? :(
hey ziddy if i advertise HU2 game so much can u make me sub ?
i think you are the owner of that game right ? |
ziddy ur server needs reboot all are lagging like hell wt is bugged and all are not satiesfied with ur new fucus training exp that is 2 exp per sec pls change it to 100exp per sec
Problem occured in heroes united 2 by falacy |
ziddy ur server of hu2 wt is bugged again and ppl are facing serius lagging there are no custom icons used no body is using custom icons now and all lagging at same time dont noe wat is happening but ur server needs repair
ZIDDY pls make focus train to 100 exp per sec. and make it better with the newest version of byond pls and thx..
ziddy why is pvp off is there any problem or are u updating it?
and the hu2 server is lagging like hell and wt is bugged again. |
ziddy where is ur server gone?!!
i m so addicted to ur server please host is fast asap :( please reply |
Hello Ziddy99 i was wondering why do you take server off so often and could you please put it back im new to your server and it is amazing
Ziddy should we move UF3 to a hub of yours because your a member
Yah i think it has something to do with dragon ball z banned as most people come to play it and developers make it so dey quit and tom made deh site for more money because less people = less money
Bro the server get on now and ban or take slaydes power off he jailed everyone SOON AND QUICKK