Great! Wait, what?
Yeah, because F_Damage needed new features *eyerolls*. Actually, it did. SuperAntx happens to be using the library in Eternia: Prologue due to it's awesome performance. He liked it, he really did. But it was missing a certain ... someting.
Scientific notation kinda sucks
SuperAntx's first note was that scientific notation looks .... really odd in most games, if not all games. Although you can balance the numbers to avoid making big damage displays, the fact still remains: Scientific notation looks bad in games.
So what did I do? I added a #define flag, called F_damage_no_scientific. It turns off scientific notation, so instead of 1E+7, you just get 1000000. Simple.
Alignment is cool
Previously, F_Damage aligned the damage text in the centre of the target atom. So if you had a 96x96, it'd kind of just go middle-ish, centre aligning the text.
You do this by a new optional argument: halign. halign takes a new type of object in, an F_Damage_Horizontal_Alignment datum. F_Damage now also provides three horizontal alignment rules, called F_Damage.LEFT_ALIGN, F_Damage.CENTER_ALIGN, F_Damage.RIGHT_ALIGN. Being a datum, you can also implement your own alignment rules.
In summary
With the new release of F_Damage (1.1.0), you can do this:
F_damage(some_enemy, "#FF5603", F_Damage.RIGHT_ALIGN)
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