Not really used to creating blog posts, and as I'm not a member, My page is quite lacking on anything that looks anything remotely to good. However, with that in mind, I'll dive headfirst into the meat of what I wanted to talk about, and then get whatever comments I get...
I am a new developer, if that term can be used, as I am just now setting myself to learning DM and pouring myself through various guides and other such fun fun things like tutorials and sources on the Developers hub. I took on this mission, if you will, so I could create a few games that I've had on my mind for the past 5 or 6 years, but never really had the drive to do. Over the next few blog posts, I believe I'm gonna outline these game ideas better, to see if it's been done already here before, and if it's even wanted.
Of course, my main goal above all is to bring more members to Byond, and if creating some quality games can do that, by all means that's what I'll do.
Thanks for reading, and I hope it made sense....
Jun 17 2011, 6:09 pm
Anyways, good luck in that. I'm a spriter. =]
Currently working on an idea of mine. Sometime I'll make a hub and/or forums.