Just thought I'd let everyone know what is generally going on with Bomberman Arena now:
I've got the hub hosted, fairly consistently. I had set up a second computer at my house to host it 24/7, but my sister moved in with me and I gave her that computer to use. I've since then set it back up on my own computer.
I am not actively working on Bomberman or Maeva. I've heard very nice things about updates that may be coming around, and I'm trying to maintain that shred of hope that something new may just be right around the corner.
I am, however, accepting submissions for more icons. If they're up to par, and you provide me with a cost, I'd be more than happy to add them to the in-game shop, and of course, provide them to YOU free.
I am also allowing just about anyone to host their own server if they feel like it. All servers must be able to talk to the BA Hub to function. (You won't be able to run them strictly on a LAN) I am not providing any real support, but usually a reboot will fix most problems. If I give you the files to host a server, be sure to put them in a folder with the name "bombermanarena", or you may have problems. You will eventually need to receive updates. I have a system in place to force servers to get updates, or they will be unable to connect to the BA Hub. (You can only benefit from updates, they'll include the new unlocks)
Right now, hosts are unable to purchase items from the hub while hosting. Do not try logging into multiple servers at once, or you will screw up your save files. On that same note, don't get too attached to your coins and unlocks, because I WILL be pwiping when the time comes for a more stable unlock/coin system.
I plan to make all user submitted unlocks purchasable in the shop, unless I've been given a good challenge for how else to unlock them. Most of my personally created unlocks I would like to retain as "challenge-only". I don't have any challenges set up at the moment, so they are unavailable right now.
All hosts have my permission to distribute the host files, as they should be available to anyone who wants them now.
![]() Apr 21 2006, 10:29 am
![]() Apr 21 2006, 2:53 pm
Der i'd like to host how can i receive the files from you?
I don't want to anihilate my bandwidth, and end up having to update everyone anyways.