Sword Art Online

by Kboy33
Sword Art Online
Sword Art Online! Play to the death!
I shall hit two puppies in the face if you don't flip my flapjacks :O
-flips said flapjacks- :T
when is the release date it dont need to be exact just say something like 2 months or something
If your haveing problems with the map i can get someone good to help you out.
Uh....well..i check this thread, time to time.....*see nothing worth stopping by*

Im not giveing up on this game cause i love SAO and if this comes up it would be the first MMO version of SAO on ther internet.And thats something.
I just had a crazy idea what if all the fans that are Coder's
iconner's mapper's and iconner's such as myself,decide to pitch in and help you out in any way we can?
That was already an idea, lrn2checkforums. Unless you were being sarcastic, then i applaud your attempt.
i wasnt being sarcastic and ive been on forums for some time now ty very much.it was just an idea i had from the top if my head,did her ever consider the idea?
I'm sorry, i should've been more clear. Learn to read the damned forums is what i meant to say. Browse around there, you might find your answer.
Silly scrubs failing to use properly forums. >:C
Dude secrously this guy drakina..................i have to deal with him in ninja moo moo now here...........
That "dude" Drakina hasn't played a game since the 16th and it wasn't Moo Moo, and if you mean me, your English needs work.
Moreover Moo Moo sucks ass >:C
Sooooo....Not to rush u or anything but is this game still being worked on or is it dead???
-Sigh- Sword Art Online is still in progress.
In response to Kboy33
Kboy33 wrote:
-Sigh- Sword Art Online is still in progress.

Don't let haters get you down, I just ordered my monitor on the 1st so I should be getting it any day now meaning iconning paradise!
In response to Detedagowa
Detedagowa wrote:
Kboy33 wrote:
-Sigh- Sword Art Online is still in progress.

Don't let haters get you down, I just ordered my monitor on the 1st so I should be getting it any day now meaning iconning paradise!

^^ Ty.
I can't wait till this game is in either Open Beta or just flat-out released, SAO is fckin BOSS
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