Sword Art Online

by Kboy33
Sword Art Online
Sword Art Online! Play to the death!
i'm just so excited for it
So am I :D
good luck with the work
kboy how goes the work on the game?
when will it come back on i love sword art online and this game seems awesome!
can't wait to play this game it looks awesome keep up the good work kboy its looking awesome so far
hey kboy, make an item called asuna's sandwich... be uber healing item!
Thank's guys for the support again :D

I was mapping a new place on the 1st floor which is a graveyard. I think I'll make the 1st floor for alpha and add more in later. There wont be alot of skills at first (Prolly like 15.) due to a lack of time, but I'll add more ASAP :O!

Icon quality isn't too much of a problem. As long as the coding is good, I can work on the icons later :D

But Yeah. "Asunas Sandwich" huh? Seems legit :o! But if I make it able to be purchased, there wont be enough for me! ~Kiriboy (Kboy and Kirito's Line from the anime)

ohh sneaky... what if you have to beat kirito for it, note kirito would be a near invincible char and only be available when an admin is on to laugh at their loss
:'( That's not nice! Beating Kirito for my rightfully earned sandwich! Makes me sad :/
as if anyone could beat kirito, badass's never lose cause its a trap
Can't wait for this game. Is throwing picks in the game?
im pre sure 'throwing' was gunna be added but he hasnt said what you will throw and if you need to restock what you throw
Mwuahahahaha. I will add throwing since it would be sooooo cooooool in a boss fight when someones on low health and I come and save the day by throwing a potion at them ;D

But Finally:

UPDATE 0.8: (Getting close to 1.0! 1.0 = Alpha)
  • Added Graveyard Map!
  • Added Beast Tamer Class...PROPELY. Now you can get a dog which runs behind you and stuff. Pretty Cool :D It's health is 100 + YOUR HEALTH. Each Animal will have a buff like this etc. Dogs are quite slow since they are starter animals, but once you get a higher BT Level, you can summon Lions and stuff. You will also be able to tame wild animals :D
  • Updated a Map. Looks muchhhhh nicer.
    Soon to be added:
    Fix the Equip System
    Fix the Shop System
    Tease you guys by putting up a video of the boss room (Turfs have already been made. I just haven't added them ¬,¬)
    An Auto PKer which kills everyone except me >:D
    Asunas Eh, I mean Kboys Sandwich
    Throwing too!
    And Lastly, allowing players to build the interior of their house since I'm lazy and don't want to map that. Wait wut?


I'll be that PKer that lurks around in the graveyard map, and waits for you stop by somebodies grave >:D
I always knew you were a meanie!
kboys sandwich, takes 5 months to work but heals all wounds. yes im making a mean joke about the release of the game
:'( I see how it is! NO SANDWICH OR SAO FOR YOU!
leather legging are 80% done @.@
a real man doesnt need to eat because a real man runs around in pink armor
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