Sword Art Online

by Kboy33
Sword Art Online
Sword Art Online! Play to the death!
O.o I doubt he even accepts icons from other people.
In response to RhythmicNinja
wow Rhythmic Ninja.....its a very big icon its just the way i took the snapshot :/
It's nice, though it's ISO.

I use top down. Two different perspectives ;)
In response to RhythmicNinja
RhythmicNinja wrote:
O.o I doubt he even accepts icons from other people.

I do, but I'm rather picky :D Another problem is that people might get upset if I ask them to edit it/change it - or not accept it.
-Comes out of the shadows- Good evening my fair acquaintances how go you? -Snaps out of it- Huh? Where am I? Eh oh well, I'm liking how progress seems to be going so far, I can't wait to play this. Also can I suggest a quest to put in the game I'm good with things like that. That's all for now, so back to the Velvet Room, farewell.-Sinks back into the shadows as eyes glow an ominous yellow-
-Melts out from the ceiling- Ayo. Thank you very much~ Your suggestion would be much appreciated heheheheh... -Evaporates-
i Can top both yall amazeing entrance......ehhh i got nothing XD -Dispurse in fire-
-Silence as blackness fades to reveal a cynical priest- "Welcome to Kotomine's Church For Bad Guys." "Wait a minute I shouldn't be here I haven't possibly done anything truly bad in like the last 2 years." "But, that's where your wrong you're possibly more evil than me heh." Kotomine pulls a list from behind his back and begins to read aloud. "Total Evisceration-" "Hey, those mutants deserved it! They shot at me first!" "Robbery, Assault & Battery-" "I needed the money and they didn't want to give it to me!" "Reckless Manslaughter, Genocide of an entire race, need I go any further?" I slumped my shoulders as I spoke "Whatever, I'll admit it I can be classified as a bad guy, so on a different note why am I here because I know im not dead?" Kotomine gave a hollow chuckle as turned to face the screen. "Oh that 's because Gilgamesh managed to switch places with you using one of his treasures, however it won't last too long." I paled at the thought of me being there with Gilgamesh and then realized that he was in a world where magic didn't exist. "......Crap." Kotomine chuckled again as he waited for the next guest. "Crap indeed."
The gist of the quest is to go into Kotomine's Church For Bad Guys and depending on your overall skills he'll either invite you in to learn how to use dirks or send you on your jolly way stating that you couldn't even handle the first second of training. You have to have a high unarmed skill and maybe something else to be able to use the unique skill and you only have a 30% successful chance of learning the skill. Should be available by like 10th floor. Also Kotomine should be very cynical and somewhat humorous to the player while giving them quest to PK a player, steal an item, or kill a difficult mob.
That's it for now ja mata-ne~ -Fades away into blue dust that floats off into the distance-
Dude bring back up i wanna test or something i need to play it D: please just please D:
-Materialises from the quest dialogue-

I thought it was a story at first~

I'm considering on adding it in a little further into the game :D Ty for your contributionnnn~

-Turns into a word, in a book, in a place, in a lifetime, in a dream-
*sets the dream-life-book-place on fire*

Quests! Make it a grand adventure!!
-Is dead. SAO MMO will no longer continue.-
-Uses Phoenix Feather to revive Kboy33- I can't have you dying just yet so get back up. I have more quests that I can suggest, and if you didn't realize the other person from the story was me. So yeah i'll probably post another quest in story format sooner or later, until then farewell. -Fades away as blue butterflies cover his form leaving only blue particles-
-Is revived- Okieee Okieeeee Mwuahhahahahha -Disappears into the comment section-
Kboy,-looks up-its time you know what i'm talking about it's time for.
Oh it's THAT time already?
Oya. This will give you all a head start if you don't know all about the game.

Owow. 3 posts. Triple posting :-(. To hell with it -

Hiring Quest Writers :3.

Only need 1. [Sent Zangen a request~]

Viable Quests
Good English
Ability to accept criticism of the lowest degree

Post here please :D. I'll probably accept the first two B).

If ya don't get chosen, you don't get chosen :i


Moving on. The Wikia has now got the latest screenies of SAO MMO and it has some more information.

If you're too lazy to go to the Wikia, and want to miss out on awesome information....


Awe. Only quest writers.
*shifty eyes*
I could totally do that. Shame that I work all of the time xD
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