Sword Art Online

by Kboy33
Sword Art Online
Sword Art Online! Play to the death!
D: What else do you need?
Nandos Chicken.
<.< How about some cookies instead?
Lol how has it been going with like armor and stuff?XDwill u keep to S.A.O style?XD
Curious as to why this is down at the moment, too much work to do or was the project dropped?
Looks promising.
It's down because it's being worked on. ._. Have you read any of the posts/updates?
In response to RhythmicNinja
RhythmicNinja wrote:
It's down because it's being worked on. ._. Have you read any of the posts/updates?

Word Up.
In response to Abuzak
Abuzak wrote:
Ant to remind us why we love S.A.O


In response to Kboy33
I Absolutly Agree Though Kyaba was a cheating dork XD and that skeleton boss was weird OP as f.
And be honest you all enjoyed this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WfDfX47TzY cause i know i did.
In response to Kboy33
Kboy33 wrote:
Abuzak wrote:
Ant to remind us why we love S.A.O



Still think the story would have been better with Diabel around D':
In response to Niro1
Finally someone who agrees with me despite he's early exit of the game Diabel was my fav character.


He was stupid.
*Hunt For The Crane Saber* Special Quest

Quest Giver: Kiku

Quest Story: "As a child my brother and I heard legends about this mystical weapon from our father. We could never retrieve it due to us not being strong enough to do so. So could you please retrieve it so I can see if the story was true, and please don't let yourself get too hurt along the way.

-Our adventurer Jay walks into the mini-dungeon sword at his side ready for what awaits him- "Okay so old man Kiku said that the blade or whatever should be on the 5th floor so let's go." Sneaking his way forward Jay spots the enemies that line the cave. "Well, just a few Lvl 52 Mighty Goblins and a Lvl 53 Goblin Mage in my way so let's go." Jay rushed forward from his position and rushed toward the goblins as his sword began to glow. "[High Cross]!" Jay shouted as he quickly slashed a cross into one of the goblins sending it into red. A quick slash later finished off one of the Mighty Goblins and Jay quickly turned around only to have a shield bashed in his face. "Aah that hurt like a-" Jay was cut off as he quickly parried a blow from the now magic boosted Mighty Goblins. "[Fairy Streak]" Jay said as he activated his sword skill after narrowly avoiding the hammer in the Mighty Goblin's hand. Jay quickly began to deliver slashes to it's limbs and finished off the Mighty Goblin with the last hit straight through the chest. "Alright I need to finish this up." Jay said as he rushed forward towards the remaining Mighty Goblin and Goblin Mage. Swiftly dodging a fireball from the Goblin Mage, Jay hopped over the Mighty Goblin and slashed the Goblin Mage's Neck, Torso, and then finished it off with a quick [Linear]. At that point the Mighty Goblin made itself known with an agro boosted hammer hit, which sent Jay skidding backwards. "Ahh so you wanna play like that? Let's Go!" Jay said as he and the Mighty Goblin rushed forward. Quickly dodging a swing of the Goblin's hammer Jay swiped it's legs from out under it with his blade and finished it with a quick [Linear] to the head.
Wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead Jay spoke as he continued his way further into the mini-dungeon. "Man that was a nice work out, I wonder what's next?" He said as he whistled a jaunty tune while he descended down the stairs.
-30 minutes later-
"Alright bring out the mini-boss!" Jay said as he mentally prepared himself for the battle ahead as he stepped into the mini-boss' room. It was room filled with gears turning in the ceiling with a wide open floor with rusty orange colored tiling. Soon a figure rose from the floor, it was the mini-boss [Goblin Warlock] and it did not look friendly with its hooded robes and glowing yellow eyes. "Bring it on you stupid Goblin!" Jay said as he rushed forward with his blade as the [Goblin Warlock] readied its staff. The Battle of the titans began between the two and only one would walk away.
-30 minutes later-
"-pant- I did it." Jay spoke as quickly pulled out his last healing crystal and healed himself as the room around began to glow golden as he got his reward for winning. "Huh, the Crane Wing and the Coat of High Winds?" Jay questioned somewhat as he equipped the coat which was a long white coat with pink wings on it. "Eh this is pretty cool I guess, well time to go I guess." Jay said as he went on his way to return the Crane Blade to Kiku and finish the quest.

Quest Rewards: The Coat of High Winds, which gives special 8 hit sword skill [Full Moon Divide] and a +10 or so to AGI, and if side-quest is done the Crane Wing Blade is given, which gives a plus 20 to STR & END and if upgraded the 6 hit sword skill [Three-Realms]

Criticism is welcome as it is subject to change.

In fact, when you're online I'll tell you my skype :3.
Lol i didn't know u needed help with quest writeing :P especially relateing to SAO.
Alright then, besides the point that I shall now most likely just post it in the pager, how'd you all like the quest?
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