Sword Art Online

by Kboy33
Sword Art Online
Sword Art Online! Play to the death!
99 more levels!!
Wow HBC!

You don't have to put it like that T-T
Lmfao!! My bad.
Exactly. You are bad >:o.
I think Imma get the game hosted NOW so you guys can tell me what and what not needs changing/adding.
No progress will be saved, but the game is up!!!
That was AWESOME
Ahahahaha! Thanks. Now I released I gotta add the biggest thing...MUSIC!
i wish i could of played longer XD
In response to TonyT108
TonyT108 wrote:
i wish i could of played longer XD

3: Sorry!
its alright
Check the Screenshots.

New SAO Login Update
I was at school...

The Game is Really Awesome so is the Anime can host it Right Now? Please
T~T NOOO i was asleep!!!!
D: I'm so sorry q_q
I'll try rehosting today guys.
okay define today, how many hours from this post cause we have totally diff time zones
Maybe 3/4 hours.
hmm i should be able to do that if i get a V before work tomorrow
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