Not Feasible
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Not Feasible

Implementing this feature is not possible now or in the foreseeable future
When I changed an /obj to a /turf, it was ontop of an undense turf (grass; the obj was trees). Now, I figured it would simply replace the grass under the trees (but it obviously didn't) it just merges them together at runtime, and makes undense trees.

Now, I have to go back and manually replace thousands of trees... it would be -great- if there were an easier way to do this. Because now I'm going to spend the rest of the day remapping 75% of my map.

I do not understand why Dream Maker even allows you to stack two turfs if they'll simply merge anyways.

EDIT: Also, the grass tile is the default /turf type, so if I make a New() for the grass tile, it will affect all turfs, thus defeating the purpose of replacing the objs (Because it takes 10x longer than it did before to start the game up when the trees were objs)
I also agree, it is a big pain to do all that work over again because i have suffered with it before T-T
The way DM stacks turfs is by making one an underlay of the other; internally, you can only have one turf in any given location. In theory the tree should be dense if you gave it density, because the turf on top is the one that counts.

As far as rapid replacement, one option you have is to simply edit your map file in a text editor, which should let you make those changes faster.
why would it make it faster?
Ill Im wrote:
why would it make it faster?

Ctrl+H = Find & Replace
That works in pretty much any standard text editor.
Oh, oh, I thought he said " text mode"

I still don't see how that would work. How can I use CTRL+H to find and replace only grass that's under trees? Does it have a changed path or something?
Nevermind; never knew it stored the information like that
Ter13 resolved issue (Not Feasible)