
Poll: Where are you going?

Beach/Pool 11% (2)
Resturants 5% (1)
Jackin' off 35% (6)
Out of town 0% (0)
Out of state 0% (0)
Xbox Live/Computer 35% (6)
IDK... 11% (2)

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Been busy. Now that summer's here, I'll probabaly be more active.

I plan on doing:

Terrorist Subject
Rage Review
Turtle Towers Review


Anyways, what are you all doin' for summer vacation?
Obviously the pool, I don't plan on sitting in doors all the time. Another option should be Summer sports.
Lol. Me too.
Of course the beach! Besides that training and working alot. :( Need to make some money.
I see. I'll probabaly get a job at mcdonalds or something to get some money. Got no where else to work =P
The only thing I liked when I used to work at McDonald, It was the discount(50% - 75%) that I used to get. :P