Keywords: jeet_kune_do
Here's some screen shots from tonight's session of Jeet Kune Do, notice the new characters in pretty colors :) I'm Alea wearing the blue dress; Thorg, who was on for the entire session, is IainPeregrine in the trench coat. The last three images were taken in the low gravity room, hence the lack of a ceiling.
Screen Shot 1
Screen Shot 2
Screen Shot 3
Screen Shot 4

(The 'snowflakes' are diagnostic images to help me position attacks better. They are removed in actual releases.)

Thanks to the following people for helping me test the new systems:
  • Thorg
  • Einaeshin
  • Wing Zero 666
My appologies in advance, as I'm sure I missed a lot of people there. I was just able to remember the people who showed up on my last 'who' command toward the end of the night (you know how my memory is).
Damn, its really coming along, looking nice dude, really cool.
Isn't it JKD?

Something about the sprite of the guy in the black belt thing really grabs at me... jkd_capture6.png

The bottom right part of his face... what is that?
His beard, probably... since I sprited him with a beard.
Isn't it JKD?

Yeah... I guess I was thinking of the Java Developer Kit at the time. Once again Java smites me.
Looks nice. I dropped in for about 20 minutes to see what it was like since I had not played JKD live before.

It was fun, I fought a couple people. Then I got a network delay of 21 though which sort of made it impossible to play the game. That was mostly the fault of my rubbish router though.

keep up ze good work.

Lol I remember that. I think I was the black belt guy in screenshot 2 and 3. Alls I ever managed to do was get beat around though.

Nice work :D

~~ Chance