Here's some screen shots from tonight's session of Jeet Kune Do, notice the new characters in pretty colors :) I'm Alea wearing the blue dress; Thorg, who was on for the entire session, is IainPeregrine in the trench coat. The last three images were taken in the low gravity room, hence the lack of a ceiling.
Screen Shot 1
Screen Shot 2
Screen Shot 3
Screen Shot 4
(The 'snowflakes' are diagnostic images to help me position attacks better. They are removed in actual releases.)
Thanks to the following people for helping me test the new systems:
- Thorg
- Einaeshin
- Wing Zero 666
My appologies in advance, as I'm sure I missed a lot of people there. I was just able to remember the people who showed up on my last 'who' command toward the end of the night (you know how my memory is).