Digimon Re:RPG

by FallenZ
A fun Digimon experience.
DeskDell Unban me My account was bugged in a small way it doesnt affect your server, anyway i deleted so Unban me =)
White I can't contact you so may I ask why is the server only open for friend?
...not even one sever open for players
Guys the friend only server is because the crashings so with only friends on it will most likely not happen , and it IS working .
Can we trade perfect egg and cash egg?
Wow i know this used to be for members only,

This game rocks!

But Drune i have some things to say about this game.

It really is awesome but you should get just 1 solid server and wipe it.

And this game is really great already but you can make such more of it like with a story-line and stuff, it makes it way bigger and even more interesting then it already is.

Well i hope you read this and agree with me


Ner0000 (Devlin)
Agree, i was 2nd strongest in-game.
how can i host i did the fire wall and it still says A firewall or router may be interfering with your connection. For information on hosting worlds through a firewall or router, please visit BYOND Help or portforward.com.
Ner0000 wrote:
Wow i know this used to be for members only,

This game rocks!

But Drune i have some things to say about this game.

It really is awesome but you should get just 1 solid server and wipe it.

And this game is really great already but you can make such more of it like with a story-line and stuff, it makes it way bigger and even more interesting then it already is.

Well i hope you read this and agree with me


Ner0000 (Devlin)

I actually do agree with you, but it depends on Drune. I think he wants to allow free hosting. The only problem w/ Free-range hosting, though, is that we end up with 8 servers w/ 3-4 people on, and then one server that had 28. The 28 server causing -a lot- of lag, so players moved. A single coherent host would probably host thru a shell and therefore, hopefully, be able to support a larger fanbase.
Arcteris wrote:

Trust me dont click the link, it just like this but worse .. Fallen is not even helping it.
Well yeah, that's a VERY old version. He's made a million updates to it, but I think Aki wants to cling to admin powers. XD
PhantomKurei wrote:
Well yeah, that's a VERY old version. He's made a million updates to it, but I think Aki wants to cling to admin powers. XD

The Aker333 Server now has Ansem/Ember's Savefiles
Digimon fusion battles is not the dub.

From toei's JAPANESE site for Fusion Battles:

approx. 30min. July 6, 2010 -


that is all
People please notice that don't log out and log in so fast,it crash the server,and thanks to Whyby here,Aker server is crash,Aker if you get this message,please host once when you get online
Please change the save system to client side.

By the way Izibella was abusing mod powers and all of the mods on that server were immature.
Notice what now? That doesn't make any sense.
Just a little something I'd like to throw out there :D. You people out there who decide its a good idea to log out and then log back in within 5 seconds are the most annoying people on the planet, it crashes the server stop it,this is why i made my server for friends only more fool you lot losing the best server.(i don't know exactly why the save system is ridiculous but what it seems to do is create a duplicate of the save file in run time, update it in game then save that file over your old save. If you "speed log" it saves both files and then doesn't know which one to access and so crashes the game.) My next point if you join a new server don't hound the host to transfer your save file over from another server because to be honest you chose to join a new server you should accept the consequences of having to start all ova again, also its a lot of hassle for the host and can cause trouble with other saves so avoid saying anything about.(on the other hand if your host offers to do such things, then please reap his mistake ad take him for all hes worth.)

That is all thank you!
Aee galera, entrem no meu Host, é aquele sem nome. Host BR :D
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