Sorry for the late late post going to have to pull out of this trip back to england and work has been distracting.
Ah well. The contest is over if anyone was wondering
Please send the submissions to the email I provided in the post and I'll get to judging them =) |
x_x i wished i could of entered (If only i had a Programmer *sigh* ). Sorry Bravo, if i were you i'd do something different in themes or w/e, or end the contest because of the lack of Contestants for the prize ._. That's what i'd do though.
To be honest the themes were a bit limiting, but for me personally I just had too much stuff to do during the timeframe. Maybe next time.
Yea that's pretty s****y for all the people who entered o_O. To my knowledge only 2 or 3 said that they couldn't finish or didn't have the time including myself.
This contest coincided with the start of the college semester for me; I ended up just not having enough time to spare. :(
I think this contest was just too soon after the previous.
Large contests should always be at least two months after the previous large contest, I think. |
Kumorii is probably right. That, and poor luck on the timing for a few people too. College and what not. Personally, I loved the themes; I really don't see how they would be the issue.
Seriously? If I had known, I would submit my incomplete game to get the 3rd place. o.O
Jemai1 wrote:
Seriously? If I had known, I would submit my incomplete game to get the 3rd place. o.O ^ |
Send in whatever you have, at the very least a prize may spur the winner to completing the game.
Perhaps consider extending the deadline; it sounds like a lot of entries were started and life got in the way.
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
Perhaps consider extending the deadline; it sounds like a lot of entries were started and life got in the way. |
Oh well.