![]() Feb 17 2013, 6:01 am
If we can enter something incomplete, then Sure why not xD
I think another week would be in order, considering the lack of entries. Next time, we should try and get Tom to post the contest on the pager.
EDIT: Oh god, I miss my picture! Sometimes, I think it's not even me! <------ |
In all honesty, this contest's taken place at the worst possible weeks for me: that's exactly when a lot of projects are due, and this week I'm having my midterms, etc.
I'm sorry I couldn't participate. I still love you, Bravo! I'll participate in future contests... I promise! |
I'll go ahead and allow another week then.
Hmm... If anyone would like to do me the favor of getting the word out that'd be nice. A lot of you have more connections than I do. |
I'm make it Sunday the 24th at 12:01 AM EST
So that's a week and a day extension. C'mon guys. Give us something at least -__- |
That's because contest should be announced at big scale at least month before. There should have been poll to choose the best date for this. For many people this is the worst time for contests like this.
Some of the contests that were big before were announced with only a week or so beforehand. I gave just over two weeks.
Honestly, what I really think is the problem is the prize money, people don't want to make a game if they're not getting enough for it. It's pretty damn depressing if you ask me, I thought this was about making cool and fun games and getting a prize, but it looks like it's become some kind of payment system. I mean, I even put my prize money from the last competition into this one, and I'm using my own personal funds to try to spur on the contest but, I guess that's not enough. That's fine though, I'll re-configure the prize money so that only the people who actually turn in a game will get anything if that's the way it's gonna be. =\ |
I don't think it's that. I think it's just bad timing. most people have classes and jobs. holidays are perfect for this type of thing- people have more time on their hands usually.
Life just gets in the way it seems. |
I agree with Dariuc. I for one, while enjoying the possible prizes, always find myself interested based off the themes and what games might be produced. It doesn't take much of a prize to please me, even $20 is pretty nice. I like the concept. I like people being driven, and having to think differently than usual.
Bravo1 wrote:
Some of the contests that were big before were announced with only a week or so beforehand. I gave just over two weeks. No. That isn't it at all for me. You literally picked the week after my classes started and I've been very busy. I imagine that many others who are on the semester system in college are in a similar situation. Even nicer: some quarter system colleges have their midterms around now. This was just another case of atrocious timing. See Oasiscircle's Gi2W 2012 contest: the same thing happened; A lot of people dropped out because it was right when the fall semester/quarter was starting. A lot of people also feel like this contest was too close in timing since the last contest. I don't really agree with that, but it's something to consider. Lastly, one of the most fun and motivating parts about GiaDs and similar contests is the discussion of entries and showing off screenshots and so forth. An actual feeling of participation and competition! None of that is happening with this contest. Most of the discussion I've seen regarding this contest is just people looking for teams and a deadline extension. Don't be so hard on yourself, Bravo. |
I just didn't see this contest until a full week in to the running, otherwise I would have been really up for it! The next one I'll be in for 110%!
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
Bravo1 wrote: What he said. Some of your entries have been some of my favorite games in contests like these. I don't think it's because anyone dislikes you. I stopped because I didn't have an artist and I realized I couldn't match graphics for the game to make it what I wanted. Then like literally two days after started helping Teka work on Angel Falls. -_-* |
I'm a lot like Dariuc because I loved Gravity, and I didn't even join the contest because I have another project I've been trying to finish for a couple months now. I actually came up with a game idea for this contest that I may still make later even without the contest.
I've been busy looking for a job these past few days so I wasn't able to touch my project. I really like the idea that I have in mind, especially the main character. Once I get more free time, I'll update it and release a better version.
I'm looking forward to try the games that will be submitted so it is a bit sad that there are only a few entries. |