![]() May 2 2008, 12:28 pm
Post your comments here!
![]() May 30 2011, 2:20 pm
Plz fix the game it keeps on closing on players when they are playing
when will the game be back on the digimon tamers
can you please try to get teh digimon tamers game back on today |
Why did you shut down Digimon Savers? It was AWESOME game, one of the best i have ever played on Byond, please, we want this game! |
can you plz remuve download in digimon servers cuz a lot of nubs that dont knwo how to code or icion only host it remuve that and let evil goku 263 as mein server and give himm the files cuz i am a icioner and we want to add more digimons and boss fights misions etc soo plz
i ahve dode some icions too digimon got the spites of down/dusk and a lot of new pokemons and with their evolution states lunamon-lucemon-etc if you want i can hel you with teh attack states and skills :D
i can help you finish the game cuz finished some digimons liek armagemon --lucemon etc they all power ups like omnimon for wargrey mon at lv 65 thas how armagemon gona bee for diaburamon at lv 65 after calumon quest i havefinish that if you want contact me to help you
Hello I am Brazilian and I suffer a lot of prejudice in the server for you to be Brazilian, and to end it I wonder if you would make available only for Brazilian algun server Diser want we could talk in OOC in Portuguese
Thank hopefully answer |
Atleast people now know what the hell happend to Drune. Good luck in college Drune.
plz send me the game plz i really want it email [email protected]