Descriptive Problem Summary:
Each time I update, it crashes on me and provides an error saying it had to abort because BYOND was open. However, I've checked Task Manager and all BYOND tasks are ended anytime I do the update.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1. Sign onto Pager.
2. Download BYOND update.
3. Close all BYOND programs.
4. Install update.
1. Go to website.
2. Download update.
3. Install update.
Expected Results:
Update BYOND.
Actual Results:
Crashes each time.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every time.
In other games? n/a
In other user accounts? n/a
On other computers? Yes. My laptop. Same OS. As well, it occurs on my VM w/ Windows XP.
When does the problem NOT occur? Never
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked?
It used to always work fine, until... roughly 1 year ago. It's just starting to piss me off at this point though. I don't recall the specific patch number.
Uninstall BYOND. Download update. Reinstall BYOND. (The issue with this however is I lose previous key information, 1 of which I lost the password (:P).)
![]() May 24 2011, 10:50 am
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This occurs with both the pager update and the exe updates from the link you referred.
I have not tried with zip versions, I will test when I get home tonight (before I do my uninstall/reinstall update). My current version is 481.1090, however this has occurred ever since 478.1085. |
Okay. I've never known the installer to hit a false positive on a file being open so I suspect the issue is a file actually is remaining in use after it should. (If something else on your system had a handle open to one of the DLLs, maybe that would do it.) Trying to install manually from a .zip will help clarify that, and if it is the case it will tell us which file.
Will do. I'm currently not at my home PC, so I can't verify anything until later.
Will report results moment I get the chance. As well, I'll try to grab the error I get when I update via pager. |
When I update from the pager, I get this error message. And yes, I'm an Administrator account.
Regarding downloading from a zip package, I get Access Denied errors. Which is strange, and that portion is likely to do with some error on my Administrative side. Let me check this out before we continue with the issue. At least let me make sure everything is in the clear on my OS' end. |
I just tried to update to byond 486, and got that same error Caution got.
The steps i took to update that failed were: checking update changes (via pager) > Update > kill all Byond tasks : and that's where it gave me the error. The steps i took that installed correctly were: My hub, Pending updates > Byond 486 > update: and from here it carried out a successful installation. This is the first time that byond had failed to install for me. I'm also a administrator, with windows XP home. EDIT: I did alittle more testing with this, and it seems that it always fails when you tell it to kill byond tasks for you. But this only seems to be occuring for upgrading (To 486), downgrading (Byond 482.1091 is the one i tested downgrading with) byond(from 486), the kill task works fine. |
I get this too, in fact I've had it for quite awhile and just assumed it was me because at one point it stopped when I started closing it via task manager.
It actually stopped about 10-20 updates ago, but has started doing it again recently. It only happens to me via the pager. I'm in Windows 7. |
I have the exact same problem.
I can only update from the .zip download and every time you have to "kill" all other programs even without having any BYOND related processes. I'm on Windows 7. |
I think I figured out the issue, it's a Windows bug in their security system. I noticed it affects administrators as well, and when I switched this BYOND updated without any issues. This should be useful to other Windows 7 users as well.
Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > User Accounts > Change UAC Settings I slid mine all the way down, and haven't got any issues with downloading/installing/updating any program since. |
Thanks for the update, CauTi0N. I wonder if there's a way we can work with that without people having to turn their settings down, but if not we at least have an answer to give them.
I understand the intention behind User Account Control but it has always presented problems for me. Namely it demands that developers jump through extra hoops to cooperate with it (as if developers did not have enough to deal with already).
I also disable UAC completely. If I suspect a program (or if the designers are simply new and I am not sure if I can trust them) then I just use a program such as sandboxie to investigate things. Jordan Russell's Inno Setup seems to support UAC. Maybe BYOND might ask Jordan or use Inno for their installation? Just a thought... |
I'd also be curious to know if trying to install from a .zip file brings up any error messages about a file being in use.
Also, I need you to edit your report to show your current BYOND version. "All versions" isn't acceptable for the version field; we need real version numbers to go on, at least to know what you're using now if nothing else. If an issue has happened for a long time over many versions, that belongs in the body of your report.