These are the rules for Kai's server of Mitadake High.
Rule one: Roleplay
This, to me, is the golden rule of Mitadake High. I could probably put every single rule under this section, but I won't.
What this rule incorporates mainly, however are the following:
RA/Random Attack: This is the act of attacking someone without a reason and/or notification of attack. Accusations must be supported by logs. Unless you can convince me otherwise, this will be a short ban.
RK/Random Kill: This is the act of killing someone without a reason and/or notification of attack. Accusations must be supported by logs. Unless you can convince me otherwise, this will be a short ban.
RC/Random Chop: This is the act of chopping a door without a reason or an emote.*
Rushing: This is the act of going to somewhere other then your spawn and the courtyard before the attack delay.
*: 'I couldn't find the key' is not a good reason.
This also includes switching from non-lethal to lethal attacking and retaliating to an attack with a larger ammount of force.
Please note that even in Nanaya mode, you still have to do some notification of attacks.
Rule Two: Cybering
This is a BIG NO and will get you banned right away, no questions asked. This is the act of RPing sexually. I am 100% fine with romance in RPs, but just don't take it out of hand.
Rule Three: Hoarding
This is the act of taking a large ammount of a certain item.
Item limit list:
First aid kits: 1
Regenitive: 3
Lethal weapons: 2
Non Lethal weapons: 2
Tasers: 1
Death Note/Alondite/Seventh: 1 (As in, you can only have one of the three at once)
Everything else, I'm pretty leniant on. Paper, Pencils, things that are extremely common have no limit, just as long as you don't take every single one.
Rule Four: Politeness
Now, don't get me wrong, I don't care if someone swears, or that kind of stuff. But you don't have to have, like, ten swears every post. If you want to fight, take it somewhere else. Racist, sexist, and any kind of descrimitive posts will get you banned.
Rule Five: Metagaming
Metagaming is using out of character knowledge in character. This includes, but is not limited to: Knowing about the Death Note in DN mode (Unless you're Kira), Knowing about the Eyes (Unless you're eyes or Kira), Finding someone from Chat. (For example, if someone chat's 'Help, Black boy is killing me in the freezer' Do NOT go there. On the other hand, don't be the one to say that, because that's just as bad.)
Those, in my opinion are the most important rules. Other, more minor rules are:
No using DN in Normal mode
No spamming
No advertising
No chatspeak (lol, u, 2, wat, etc.)*
Be patient.
Don't fuck with the lights unless you have a good reason
* If you spell acronyms out (Ie; El oh el, Oh emm Gee, Ar Oh Ef El, El Em Ay Oh) It's perfectly fine.
In Ramiel mode, rushing and hoarding rules are nullafied. The Killer can chose to help ramiel if they wish.
Note on combat: 'Notification of Attacking' doesn't neccisarily mean emote. If you say something that shows that you will attack (Ie: Saying 'I'll kill you!') That's just fine.
Also, I know that sometimes, when you're trying to save someone from being killed, an emote can take too long. So I'm perfectly fine if you don't emote saving someone.
If you are at this point, thank you for taking the time to read the rules. You get a coupon for a cookie and a free hug from Kai.
![]() May 23 2011, 5:59 pm (Edited on May 25 2011, 12:31 pm)