Rp Radio CE - Custom Edition

by Mista-mage123
Rp Radio CE - Custom Edition
Create your own text-based roleplays, using the power of an RPG Battle System!
Applies to:
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
*shakes like a British nanny with one hand and a list of requests for hosts in the other hand*

Abilities to:
raise the game's level cap of 50,
add Admins / Moderators,
mute players through an actual verb rather than going through ABSXEdit,
delete custom NPC slots,
create more Jobs,
create more specialties / traits,
change the icon size limits,
create Airboards / Gears,
create more Machine (Armor-dependent) races,
set requirements to choose a race (Veteracy, Honor Points, How many of a certain race is allowed, etc).

Built-in / Notepad tutorials for:
what types of skills exist and how to create each one,
list of in-game sounds for skills,
how to create equipment / buffs,
verb functions,
and what status ailments exist and how to make resistances / immunities to these ailments.

You're probably making most of these (or not) as I write, but most hosts are completely unaware of the posts on the website leading to half of the requests I listed for tutorials, much less where said posts actually are.