I'm creating a new RPG, Tinsdalia:

The RPG has a combat system based off of Final Fantasy I. The storyline is actually a series of smaller somewhat sequential stories taking place in different towns in which the player travels to.

Originally I was intending to stay within a 3 color per icon limit, but I decided I'd just use a similar rule, to have a simplistic, yet not exactly 8-bit feel.

It makes it very easy to produce sprites in decent time, so the asset-making part of the game won't be too overbearing.
Looks GREAT!
This is Mocuto from the Daily Game Review. We've reviewed other BYOND games such as Surreal Dreams and Stranded.

Me myself and some of the other members are particularly interested in this game you're making. We'd like to be able to beta test it and give it a preview for others, just so they know what's coming.

If you'd like to take us up on this offer, reply or email me at [email protected]
This looks very good. Whatever palette and size rules you decided to use in making your resources is working for you very well. As soon as you have a hub, I'll be following it.
XMocuto: I'll contact you when it's a tad more polished (and has more content)
IainPeregrine: Thanks.