We'll I'm going to bring back the old game that never got it's stardom! Pokemon Black Byond version is going to be hosted by me. I'm going to need a "Reliable Team". One who can Program and or Pixel Art, and or GFX, and or be epic.
So yeah Pokemon Black has
a more updated version of pokemon's graphics and hopefully people will enjoy this game rather than the crap we already have.
It may be turned into a RP server like PWO though. I don't know, Depends on the playerbase. But yeah.
And also Persian Empire is getting put on a "Little Hold". Seems like I can't find a reliable team to work with so I said freak it for now. . I'm gonna wait until I gather a team for it. Anyone still wanting to help me out add my msn: [email protected]
And yeah.. Enjoy the new Pokemon Black Version : )
HUB: http://www.byond.com/games/HaxRp/PokemonBlack
May 18 2011, 4:03 pm
May 18 2011, 4:16 pm
i can be epic
Im a pixel artist and A coder add my msn [email protected],You go girl ;)