Naruto: Eternal Memories

by Eternal_Memories
Naruto: Eternal Memories
Join various worlds in a battle between the evil and the good!
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Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Well Deidara needs a chakara buff Temaris new buff makes her the most spamable character in the game so i think dei should atleast be able to spam as much as she can.
With the difference that Dei can fly and has a great AoE which owns when someone teams, you can camp forever untill it's 4 vs 1 and you're the only one left for your team, then you might have it tough if you are a bad player. Though his melee is quite weak to do lvl 2 or even lvl 3 so some balancing would do good for him but then again, it would leave some characters seem weaker after each update and people would brag about it and want even more balancing till the point that the game is just out of control.
In response to TeenGogeta
TeenGogeta wrote:
With the difference that Dei can fly and has a great AoE which owns when someone teams, you can camp forever untill it's 4 vs 1 and you're the only one left for your team, then you might have it tough if you are a bad player. Though his melee is quite weak to do lvl 2 or even lvl 3 so some balancing would do good for him but then again, it would leave some characters seem weaker after each update and people would brag about it and want even more balancing till the point that the game is just out of control.

How can u give advice when ur banned and havn't seen the game in forever the fuck
kk i understand nt like i not that i can't rape wit the current dei just wanted him to have more chakara
lol why jus that