icon_size = 64
icon = 'things.dmi'
icon_state = "one"
icon = 'things.dmi'
icon_state = "two"
icon = 'things.dmi'
icon_state = "three"
proc/set_slot(x, y, atom/movable/atom)
slots[x][y] = atom
proc/get_slot(x, y)
return slots[x][y]
for(var/ix = 1 to 3)
for(var/iy = 1 to 4)
slots[ix][iy] = null
var/equipment_grid/equipment_grid = new
var/client/viewer = null
var/list/screen_references = list()
var/tmp/state = 0 //1 == shown
proc/show(screen_x, screen_y)
if(!viewer) CRASH("You tried to show a display without setting client first!")
if(state) return
state = 1
for(var/ix = 1 to 3)
for(var/iy = 1 to 4)
var/atom/movable/a = equipment_grid.get_slot(ix, iy)
if(!a) continue
var/atom/movable/display = new
display.icon = a.icon
display.icon_state = a.icon_state
display.maptext = a.maptext
display.maptext_width = a.maptext_width
display.maptext_height = a.maptext_height
display.screen_loc = "[screen_x + (ix * world.icon_size)],[screen_y]" //the problem is this line
viewer.screen += display
screen_references += display
if(!state) return
state = 0
for(var/o in screen_references)
viewer.screen -= o
var/equipment_grid_client_display/grid = new
if(grid.state) grid.hide()
grid.viewer = src.client
grid.equipment_grid.set_slot(2, 4, new /obj/thing/one)
grid.equipment_grid.set_slot(2, 3, new /obj/thing/two)
grid.equipment_grid.set_slot(1, 3, new /obj/thing/two)
grid.equipment_grid.set_slot(3, 3, new /obj/thing/two)
grid.equipment_grid.set_slot(2, 2, new /obj/thing/three)
grid.equipment_grid.set_slot(2, 1, new /obj/thing/three), 4)
The code is wrong on purpose to showcase the bug. On my machine, I get this:
Edit: From the looks of it, it appears to be related with certain default icon sizes. I reduced the icon size and no bug. Setting of 52 or above seems to trigger it.
Edit 2: Checked the code again and just realized you commented one of the lines of code causing the issue. I am now doing research on it.
Edit 3: It appears you are using way too much video memory or resources according to that line. The way screen_loc works is if you do not use any pixel offsets, it will calculate the position automatically based on default icon size. With the way it is working, it seems to be eating up more memory/resources than there should've been. If you use pixel offsets (using the colon after the whole number), that should correct the problem. You might also be able to get away with no having to use any pixel offsets by removing the formula for x or modifying it by multiplying by ix (with no need to multiply by world.icon_size since calculations are done automatically).