Back when I had the wretched "dial-up," I've had to find volunteers to host games for me to do public testing. Well, that's come back and bit me. Recently, I found out that ONE of them has leaked the binary files of War (the old version), a game I've already said will never be seen again (again, I mean the old version). This is a pretty harsh reminder to me that I must take more control of this kind of thing.
Now, I couldn't find it in my enraged heart to click that shutdown button just yet. There were around 15 people logged in. I suppose it has been many months since that game has seen the light of day, but that doesn't mean I'm any happier. It's just making me much stricter.
So thanks to you naughty, naughty people... I'll be working on a hub to keep track of my alpha releases. It will log instances of it, and control just who can host it at a given time. There will be nothing having to do with that program without my explicit say-so.
Some may be wondering why I haven't allowed anyone else to run, or even possess the files without my permission. Well, it's simple. As you should well know, the game is still in it's alpha stages. I need to tend to it like a new-born child, else it will vomit up it's procedure crashes without me there to bandage it up (don't ask why I related bandages to vomit, please). As for not wanting it to be hosted any more, all I have to say is that it has been getting increasingly glitch-ier each time it is bandaged. With each patch, comes more bugs. A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. This project is VERY old, and when I began it, it had very little structure, and a poor foundation. That's why I started the revamp. Hopefully, I'll not make that mistake again.
One final note. If I catch anyone leaking my files to anyone (even me!) without my authorization, you will be dealt with. *squints eyes*
NOW THEN! Thank you, and have a nice day. ^_^
![]() Apr 19 2006, 6:11 am
Woohooo! A whole post solely directed to me. I feel special.
Program death for your releases. In world/New() check the date. If it is past a certain time, direct the host to ask you for a new copy, delete the .dmb file from the host's hard drive, and shut down the world.
I would give each update it's own ID. Once the old version expires, it expires.