Have you ever wondered what happens when you die? Perhaps you thought you would be able to live another life, in a future time, such as I did. Perhaps you thought you would go to Heaven or Hell. In all reality, you opinion on this matter depends on your religous views.
For example, I'm an Atheist, so when I was little, I thought that perhaps we would live in another life. For example, I thought we had lived lives before, such as George Washington, or King Richard. For a nice backstory on just WHY I thought this was what happened allow me to explain. When I was little, perhaps five or six, my cousin Jared and I were across the street from my great Grandparents home at my great-great Grandparents' house. We were looking a window that led to their basement, and he looked at me and said, "I once lived before now, perhaps I could have been George Washington, or maybe someone else who was great, at least, that is what I would like to think." Naturally, this stuck with me, seeing as I looked up to him with admiration.
Now, multiple years later, I was laying in bed one night, stricken with my usual Insomnia, and I thought to myself "What happens when we die?". We don't have any spirtual essence inside of us as we may like to think. Even thoughts themselves aren't real, their just pulses of electricity going though our brain. Our very conciousness is dependent on our brain being intact and active, so why would we go anywhere or live again after we die? Perhaps we just cease to exist? Is there even a Heaven or Hell like we were told by our Grandparents or at least one person in our life when we were younger?
I set out to attempt to grasp a larger knowledge on this matter the next day. I used the internet for my research, seeing as I had no books at my disposal on this specific subject. After a few hours of searching, I had found quite a few intriguing
I would like to quote a rather interesting article on this subject written by Robert Lanza M.D. He says,
"Without consciousness, space and time are nothing; in reality you can take any time -- whether past or future -− as your new frame of reference. Death is a reboot that leads to all potentialities." - www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-lanza/ what-happens-when-you-die_b_596600.html
So, looking at that view, it suggests that we can take any time we want, any time at all, and use it as our new frame or reference. Therefore, we can live whenever we want to. As lovely as this sounds, I would not like to think of it as true, granted, he has a medical degree and I don't. When we go unconcious our thoughts stop, and in order to pick a new time, you would have to be conscious, if I am correct in assuming such. Perhaps death is a reboot, perhaps our 'spirit' is able to choose for us? I assume, based in my theories upon themselves, that we have no 'soul' or 'spirit'. We're just physical beings. If we have souls and spirits, then so do animals, and so do bugs. If bugs and animals have souls, then do they choose a new time to live? If they do, why don't we have mammoths or dinosaurs living right now? What about dodo birds? If they can choose a new time to live, then there would be no 'extinction'. That would just be a temporary thought.
I would like to quote Time.com next. They say
"When your heart stops beating, there is no blood getting to your brain. And so what happens is that within about 10 sec., brain activity ceases —as you would imagine. Yet paradoxically, 10% or 20% of people who are then brought back to life from that period, which may be a few minutes or over an hour, will report having consciousness. So the key thing here is, Are these real, or is it some sort of illusion? So the only way to tell is to have pictures only visible from the ceiling and nowhere else, because they claim they can see everything from the ceiling. So if we then get a series of 200 or 300 people who all were clinically dead, and yet they're able to come back and tell us what we were doing and were able see those pictures, that confirms consciousness really was continuing even though the brain wasn't functioning."
They point out that they think that Out of Body experiences happen when you die. But what happens after that, do you go to Pearly Gates? Or do you float around as nothingness? But, they also point out that the only way to test this theory is by putting pictures on a shelf, not visible from below or ground level, and wait for someone to go into that state of 'near death' and revive them. Then, once revived, we ask them if they saw anything on the shelf. Then, if they are correct, then we will have gotten closer to proving this theory. Perhaps we could speed up the chances of this by inducing Cardiac Arrest, and allowing them to 'die'. Once they do, we revive them using defibrillator's or some other mean of revival.
These are just a couple of the theories I came across that I had some interesting thoughts on. But overall, my theory is just that, a theory. It could be just as wrong as the Earth being flat for all we know. Theres no way to prove most theories, unless their ones that involve things such as Out of Body Experiences.
I'm not going to say your view is right nor wrong. It may be for all we know. You are correct in assuming that integrity is a word no one cares about anymore (seemingly). If I would like to say anything right now in regards to this article, it will be this,
Anyone and Everyone has the right to believe in whatever they wish, which is why I'm believing in what I want to, and your believing in what your want to. I'm not going to judge you for your religion, and not everyone mocks people for being Christian, or Atheist, or Buddhist. I believe that we are far above that. There are simply too many people in the world for us to get to the point that only one person will believe in the bible, and everyone else will mock them for it. My theories were written, therefore it must happen. I agree with you in saying that there are people in this world, who ARE doing nothing my slandering the names of people who are hardworking citizens or people who are benefiting society. It shouldn't matter whether or not your Atheist or not. Any-who, it's your choice to believe in what you wish to believe in. I'll believe in what I want to believe in, and you'll believe in what you want to believe in. Sex is a completely other issue. Sex should only be WHEN your ready, but there should be limits. Such as the 18 age. Stop people 18 and older from having sex with people younger than 18. So therefore, minors can have sex, so long as with another minor, but there should be limits to how young you should be. Say.. 12. To prevent 17 year old kids molesting 5 year old kids. Marriage is still sacred, whereas the definition of sacred defers from their view, and your view. |
im an atheist and i dont care if hell exists or not its better then being with people who try to force their relgion on you and dont want you to do whatever you want.
Laserdog wrote:
im an atheist and i dont care if hell exists or not its better then being with people who try to force their relgion on you and dont want you to do whatever you want. The things "forced" on me by my parents were for my own good, not just forced on me because they had nothing better to do. Things like abstinence, not letting me go to parties, not celebrating holidays and my birthday are all valuable lessons that I didn't really comprehend until I got older. And people like you, who have done it all their lives, will most likely never understand it. Humans are like clay - you have to mold them while you can because eventually you won't be able to shape them anymore. Once you get to a certain age, whatever you've been doing is most likely what you'll continue doing for the rest of your life. That is why it would be a waste of my time to try and explain the significance of the bible. Because if you weren't already taught it when you were younger, the chances of you accepting it now are slim. Which is funny, because atheists tend to label themselves as the "open-minded" lot, yet I have never met an atheist who changed any aspect of their opinion on this controversial matter and I've been debating them for going on 4 years. They're just as stubborn and set in their beliefs as everyone else. |
Your correct, Atheists are stubborn, just like everyone else. Your correct on all of your points made, the bible, while fictional (in my opinion, but thats just mine) is a great way to teach younger kids about things such as abstinence. Obviously however, some people don't get the deeper message of this argument (if it's even that). We're not fighting over who's views are correct, we're merely agreeing with some points, and disagreeing on others, but it's not an all out flame war. And no one has been forcing anything on anyone.
Merely making a point. |
I've never celebrated my birthday once, I've never celebrated Christmas once, I've never celebrated any kind of holiday once.
Does this make me religious? Not really, though my parents tried to force it on me. Does this make me a prune? It does. |
It doesn't make you religious at all. It merely makes you someone who hasn't chosen to celebrate anything, and that is your way of thinking (Birthdays a are sort of irrelevant though).
why is abestince good if you get pregenat you can just get it aborted no big deal, and theres condoms and birth control
Sex is a completely other issue.Sex should only be WHEN your ready, but there should be limits. Such as the 18 age. Stop people 18 and older from having sex with people younger than 18. So therefore, minors can have sex, so long as with another minor, but there should be limits to how young you should be. Say.. 12. To prevent 17 year old kids molesting 5 year old kids. I don't agree in the slightest bit, and I won't even bring my Christian morals into the argument for this. Sex can be viewed two ways: as a form of love, and a biological act. Let's take it from the love standpoint first: Sex should only be shared with someone you love. This follows because it's one of the ultimate forms of trust. Both you and partner are naked (one of humanities largest forms of shame), and you are literally becoming one (you are attached). If you don't share this with someone you love, then you are ruining the integrity of sex, and by doing so you are becoming more animal, and less human. Now, if you love someone that you trust them that much to have sex with, then why would you not marry them? If marriage is the most traditional form of displaying your sincerest love (and is basically a contract), then you should be willing to display that you absolutely, 100% undeniably love your partner. If you are one of those people who don't believe in marriage, I've always questioned why, and don't find you very trustworthy. It's more than a "piece of paper." It's displaying that you care about this person so much more than just living with them for the past 12 years. By not acknowledging marriage, it seems like you are either afraid of the commitment (it's far easier to back out when you aren't married), or don't truly love them. (There are numerous benefits from the government if you are married as well, so if you are just trying to "stick it to the man," it sounds a bit dumb.) Now, biologically: This stance is more superior to the love contemplation, because love is just an emotion. Biologically, sex should be used for reproduction. It's a tool. The use of condoms and the pill and abortion is making the tool insignificant. It's like taking your favorite hammer and smashing it on blocks of wood and cement just because you can do it. No need to cause concern for the potential damage it can cause, or even the lack of personal intimacy involved with the actual act itself over continuous abuse. I would use my hammer to hammer in nails, because that's what it's supposed to do. So, unless you are planning to have a lot of children with several people, I don't see where the argument stands that "safety" fixes the point of sex. People have always seen sex incorrectly - they see it as something we need to keep going in life. This is only true biologically. This has nothing to do with our actual functionality in everyday life though. Now, onto your comment: People under 18 shouldn't have sex anyways. I've seen only a handful of people mature enough to handle it at that age, and the ones that are mature enough generally either have better things to do with their lives or understand the significance of sex and when/what context it should occur in. Sex is in no way a bad thing. It's something humanity should embrace. It's likely the greatest pleasure anyone can ever feel (I can't think of one to top it). But it's so much more than just something we should abuse the way society believes we should. |
Exactly what Caution said. I think it's safe to say that over half of the sex that goes on nowadays is done out of lust. Teenagers and even adults get lust confused with love all the time because they don't know the difference between the two.
> It's likely the greatest pleasure anyone can ever feel (I can't think of one to top it). Claiming to be a Christian, you should know of something that would bring even more pleasure than sex. |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Claiming to be a Christian, you should know of something that would bring even more pleasure than sex. I don't know any that I can feel, which is what I said. It's a sensual claim. If there is something I should be more aware of, please inform me. I'm not talking about a form of higher pleasure, like Miller suggests. That's a separate matter. |
CauTi0N wrote:
I don't know any that I can feel, which is what I said. It's a sensual claim. If there is something I should be more aware of, please inform me. I'm not talking about a form of higher pleasure, like Miller suggests. That's a separate matter. I have no idea what you're talking about now. Sensual claims, higher pleasures, and who the hell is Miller? Gah. |
Basically, I'm only talking about sensual pleasures. I can't think of any pleasure that's better than sex that is instantaneously pleasing, and that my 5 senses can pick up on.
The most logical way to look at it is to assume death is the same way as during the period of not being born.
Alot of people seem afraid of 'non-conscious' death, I assume this because the mind cannot fathom itself of not existing. If we look at it this way, the closest similarity to death is actually sleeping without dreaming. |
I agree with Vee and Empire. If you aren't religious, then maybe death is just sleep without dreams.
"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be."
If you remember the story of Noah, you will know what this means. Basically it's saying that once the world gets so bad that barely anyone on the entire planet believes and worships the one true God, once almost the entire world would mock you for reading the bible, when everyone least expects Jesus to return, he'll return. It seems like every week I read something new about war in the Middle East, about homosexuals fighting and gaining rights, about major advances in technology, about natural disasters around the world, about how more people are slowly but surely embracing more atheistic ideals. It's all written and therefore it must all happen. The only thing individuals like me can do is hope that we don't give up our faith like the rest of the world. Integrity is a word people aren't seeming to care about anymore.
The world is falling apart. Take sex for example:
Now:http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/08/ 090817142855.htm
Seems like things were better off when people were still taking God seriously. But, lets ignore what history has been trying to tell us. Let's keep discarding our beliefs and giving up values. That way, maybe one day the average age of first intercourse can be five years old, and that 90% of men and women engage in premarital sex because who the hell gets married anymore, right? And boy oh boy, wait until the homosexuals get all that they want - next up will be all the men and women who want to be able to bang and marry their own family members or have more than one wife. They might even fight to lower the age - make sex with 15 year olds legal! I mean, who cares right? If they're both in love, and it's not harmful to either of them, then shouldn't they be able to do it? It's the same logic behind the gay marriage argument. I GUARANTEE YOU it's coming. People need to wake up from this "it's impossible" or "it'll never happen" mentality. There was a time where being gay was unheard of - now look at us. Homosexuals are being treated better than ever before. It's a domino effect: one thing after another. We say it's wrong now, but give it another 30-50 years. We'll have men banging 13 year olds - legally.
As a matter of fact, it's already legal in other countries. It's only a matter of time. Just sit back and watch. The world will do exactly what the bible said it would do: get worse.