###Application Form###
6-7 hours a day
Maturity Level:
Im 22 and i think im mature
Why do you want moderator?
There are moments in game when GM-s arent online and round is bugged or someone bug abuse so i would like to help about those problems to reboot if there is bug or something
Why Do you deserve moderator?
I would help about bugs and im playing this since september 2012. And i would respect every other GM or player.
You're moderating COSAB when someone continues to spam chat and make racist comments towards someone. What do you do?
Well i would give him a wearning and if he still spam than i would mute him for some time, after that if he still spam i would just mute him more.
You're friend has discovered a bug that can cause entire rounds to bug. It can even sometimes cause the server to crash. What do you do?
I should check tht bug to make sure its there and contact owner.
A host is abusing his powers and is banning people for no good reasons. What do you do?
Consult with other GM-s and make decision with them.
Another mod/admin has just banned you. What do you do?
Ask im why and contact the owner if there were no reason at all.
You have banned someone for breaking the rules. However, they have found out how to bypass ban and are hiding using alts. What do you do?
If i see that i would tell him that ban will wont last forever and he must wait, after that i would ban his other key.
Will you try to go on the staff chat everyday? http://www.dxforliferf.chatango.com
If you comment on this forum topic with something that isn't an application form, your application may be ignored. Do you understand?
You will only boot/ban when someone breaks the rules LISTED ON THE HELP FILE AND THE HUB, understood?
You will not just ban someone. First, you give them a warning, if they continue, boot them, and if they still persist, that's when you ban them. Do you understand?
Only mute people for disrespecting players, spamming chat, or trolling way too much. Understood?
Acknowledging that you understand these terms and conditions means that you can't say you didn't know something you did was wrong. Understood?
If you break these terms and conditions, you may have your mod powers stripped and may even receive further punishment. Do you understand?
Do you get all the ladies/men?
Ladies :3
How awesome are you?
Well i will try to do my best to be AWESOME!
What is the most important thing about COSAB?
Its important for game to be clean of bugs and abusers and its important that there is always some gm online!
Your epic signature here:
Female Age: 14 Activeness: High Maturity Level: 7.9/10 Why do you want moderator? To reboot the round when it bugs and mute when abuse/racism is used, Also so i can bann bug abusers and give warnings to people who use illegal combos/charecters Why Do you deserve moderator? I play this game allot and hope to improve its progress. You're moderating COSAB when someone continues to spam chat and make racist comments towards someone. What do you do? Give them a warning then mute them. You're friend has discovered a bug that can cause entire rounds to bug. It can even sometimes cause the server to crash. What do you do? Ask him/her not to use the certain bug, if he/she continues to use it i will kick them followed by a ban if they continue. A host is abusing his powers and is banning people for no good reasons. What do you do? Warn him about his actions if he continues Kick him from the game. Another mod/admin has just banned you. What do you do? If i have done somthing wrong accept it but if i have done nothing i will inform someone. You have banned someone for breaking the rules. However, they have found out how to bypass ban and are hiding using alts. What do you do? If i find someone doing this i will instantly ban them again. Will you try to go on the staff chat everyday? http://www.dxforliferf.chatango.com I will do my best to. If you comment on this forum topic with something that isn't an application form, your application may be ignored. Do you understand? Yes. You will only boot/ban when someone breaks the rules LISTED ON THE HELP FILE AND THE HUB, understood? Yes. You will not just ban someone. First, you give them a warning, if they continue, boot them, and if they still persist, that's when you ban them. Do you understand? Yes. Only mute people for disrespecting players, spamming chat, or trolling way too much. Understood? Yes. Acknowledging that you understand these terms and conditions means that you can't say you didn't know something you did was wrong. Understood? Yes. If you break these terms and conditions, you may have your mod powers stripped and may even receive further punishment. Do you understand? Yup. Do you get all the ladies/men? Not perticularly X3 How awesome are you? I do my best to be awesome if i can. What is the most important thing about COSAB? Having fun with fellow players. Your epic signature here: ~GG0146~ |
###Application Form###
Sex: Male Age: 41 Activeness: Logging on daily Maturity Level: You decide. Why do you want moderator? Response: Its annoying to wait for an admin when a round is bugged also in conjunction with the reboot votations being broken. Why Do you deserve moderator? Response: Its worth a try to apply. I do contribute by listing bugs though. You're moderating COSAB when someone continues to spam chat and make racist comments towards someone. What do you do? Response: Spamming chat isn't likely with the anti-spam system, as for racial comments, I may stop any racism towards black or asian people. BRs are an exception however. You're friend has discovered a bug that can cause entire rounds to bug. It can even sometimes cause the server to crash. What do you do? Response: Take note of the bug and attempt to contact Zerok about it(Even though it takes fucking days.) A host is abusing his powers and is banning people for no good reasons. What do you do? Response: Simply shut down his server. Another mod/admin has just banned you. What do you do? Response: Bypass ban and ban them, and then report to you. You have banned someone for breaking the rules. However, they have found out how to bypass ban and are hiding using alts. What do you do? -Response- Take note of their IPs and monitor their gameplay. Will you try to go on the staff chat everyday? http://www.dxforliferf.chatango.com -Response- If you insist. If you comment on this forum topic with something that isn't an application form, your application may be ignored. Do you understand? -Response- jes. You will only boot/ban when someone breaks the rules LISTED ON THE HELP FILE AND THE HUB, understood? -Response- jes. You will not just ban someone. First, you give them a warning, if they continue, boot them, and if they still persist, that's when you ban them. Do you understand? -Response- I prefer to collect evidence before I do any punishments, to not misguide justice. Only mute people for disrespecting players, spamming chat, or trolling way too much. Understood? -Response- I've seen lots of disrespect and trolling in the game, and most of which go unpunished. But if you insist on me monitoring the chatbox too, then that is fine with me. Acknowledging that you understand these terms and conditions means that you can't say you didn't know something you did was wrong. Understood? -Response- I'm not ignorant. This is understood. If you break these terms and conditions, you may have your mod powers stripped and may even receive further punishment. Do you understand? -Response- Sure, its up to your decision. Do you get all the ladies/men? -Response- I prefer ponies. How awesome are you? -Response- That depends on your point of view. But if you want to know my self-esteem, its quite low. What is the most important thing about COSAB? -Response- A player named DiscordantSymphony. Your epic signature here: -Signature- ![]() |
Male Age: 16 Activeness: can be atleast 3 hours Maturity Level: I wasnt gonna say it but oh well. 69 Why do you want moderator? Because thers never one on when I need one. -_- Why Do you deserve moderator? I don't deserve it but I will work as hard as you need me to. You're moderating COSAB when someone continues to spam chat and make racist comments towards someone. What do you do? Mute them ask them politely to quit and then unmute them if they continue threaten with a boot then go through with the boot if they continue. You're friend has discovered a bug that can cause entire rounds to bug. It can even sometimes cause the server to crash. What do you do? I will boot him. A host is abusing his powers and is banning people for no good reasons. What do you do? Ask him to stop politely and if continues to do it I will tell Zerok cause I dont think I can overpower a host beyound booting him. Another mod/admin has just banned you. What do you do? Ask them the reason why then see if I can make up for my mistake. You have banned someone for breaking the rules. However, they have found out how to bypass ban and are hiding using alts. What do you do? I tell Zerok cause he can fix coding problems like that. ^_^ Will you try to go on the staff chat everyday? http://www.dxforliferf.chatango.com If you need me to I will. If you comment on this forum topic with something that isn't an application form, your application may be ignored. Do you understand? Yessir. You will only boot/ban when someone breaks the rules LISTED ON THE HELP FILE AND THE HUB, understood? Of course. You will not just ban someone. First, you give them a warning, if they continue, boot them, and if they still persist, that's when you ban them. Do you understand? I will try never to go against what I have been comanded to do. So Yes. Only mute people for disrespecting players, spamming chat, or trolling way too much. Understood? Yessssssssssssssss. I will. Acknowledging that you understand these terms and conditions means that you can't say you didn't know something you did was wrong. Understood? No problem. Otherwise Yes. If you break these terms and conditions, you may have your mod powers stripped and may even receive further punishment. Do you understand? Of course its only fair. Do you get all the ladies/men? Not gonna lie. Nah. MOst arent interesting enough for me to try. How awesome are you? As aweome as Johnny thinks he is.(inside joke means im cooler than awesome) What is the most important thing about COSAB? Good question. Id have to say having fun and goin with the flow. Your epic signature here: Darkpalidan236 Enough said. |
LegacyGaming's Application for GM/Admin
Name: Trigger(LegacyGaming) Gender: Male Age: 18 Activeness: I'm on 3/4 of the time when I am not working on some stuff. Maturity Level: I like to think I am mature however there is always that playful side. Previous Experience: I have worked on MANY games but the most recent is Berlin2222's Naruto Next Generation. Why do you want moderator: Because I believe this game needs more active and more helpful MODs Why Do you deserve moderator: It's not so much deserve, I just want to help the players with what I know. You're moderating COSAB when someone continues to spam chat and make racist comments towards someone. What do you do: I personally would warn the person first and if they continue to do so I will go through muting, booting then if it comes to it, banning. You're friend has discovered a bug that can cause entire rounds to bug. It can even sometimes cause the server to crash. What do you do: Report it to the owner or anyone working closely with the source and ask them not to abuse the bug. A host is abusing his powers and is banning people for no good reasons. What do you do: Again, I would report them and ask them not to however if they continue to abuse before anybody has done anything I will ask them to shut the game down. You have been banned by another admin/mod what do you do?: Tell the owner of the game. Somebody who has been banned has bypassed the ban system and has got in using hidden alts, what do you do: IP ban them and/or ask the host to host ban them. Will you be active on the staff chat: I would try to when I am not helping players or doing things IRL. What is most important in COSAB: The happiness of the players and the amount of players. Side Notes: - I understand all of the rules and I will abide by them. Thank you, Trigger. |
Cloud Magic wrote:
I can tell that nobody posting here is over 17, I find it funny that they are lying about their age. "Age 20. On BYOND all the time. not like I have to go to work or anything." That's funny considering I myself am over 17... |
Male Age: 16 Activeness: about 4-7 hours a day, depending on issues with school and such. Maturity Level: Pretty decent, I guess. Why do you want moderator? I want to be a moderator because I see alot of bug abusing and bugged rounds when I'm online, I dislike this very much. I want this to stop, and if noone else does it, it comes down to me, I guess. Why Do you deserve moderator? I don't know why I deserve moderator. I don't think there's an actual special reason for it. You're moderating COSAB when someone continues to spam chat and make racist comments towards someone. What do you do? I try to talk to them first, unless they spam in such a way they can't even see it, then I would mute/boot them. If they do not listen I would also mute/boot them. You're friend has discovered a bug that can cause entire rounds to bug. It can even sometimes cause the server to crash. What do you do? I have no friends who play Byond, but I guess I'd tell him to tell me how to use this bug and then tell him not to use it, since it's no fun for him or anyone else. If he indeed tells me the bug, I would notify the owner immediatly. A host is abusing his powers and is banning people for no good reasons. What do you do? I would try to reason with him at first, if this seems to be impossible punish him, if within my power, if it isn't within my power of the host still continues after my punishment, I would notify a higher ranked moderator/admin or the owner. Another mod/admin has just banned you. What do you do? I go to the forum and make a thread to ask the mod/admin why they banned me. I would wait for approximately three days for them to react. If they react I would try and figure out why I was banned. If he does not, or has no clear reason, I would step to an higher ranked mod/admin or the owner. You have banned someone for breaking the rules. However, they have found out how to bypass ban and are hiding using alts. What do you do? I would ask someone with the possibility to IP or CIP ban the person to do so. If they are not online or can't be reached for whatever reason, I would try to ban every alt I -know- is them until they can get IP banned. Will you try to go on the staff chat everyday? http://www.dxforliferf.chatango.com Yes. I will, it's way easier to manage a game with a team of people. If you comment on this forum topic with something that isn't an application form, your application may be ignored. Do you understand? Yes, I do. You will only boot/ban when someone breaks the rules LISTED ON THE HELP FILE AND THE HUB, understood? Yes. You will not just ban someone. First, you give them a warning, if they continue, boot them, and if they still persist, that's when you ban them. Do you understand? Yes, I do. Everyone deserves a second chance, right? Only mute people for disrespecting players, spamming chat, or trolling way too much. Understood? Yes. Acknowledging that you understand these terms and conditions means that you can't say you didn't know something you did was wrong. Understood? Yes. If you break these terms and conditions, you may have your mod powers stripped and may even receive further punishment. Do you understand? Yes, it's good to punish mod's who break the rules, they have to set an example. Do you get all the ladies/men? Maybe not all of them, some people are really strange. I will try my outmost best to understand everyone, however. How awesome are you? I am not awesome. What is the most important thing about COSAB? The most important thing is to have fun. Your epic signature here: I'm sorry. I have no signature. |
Male Age: 19 Activeness: always Maturity Level: 10/10 Why do you want moderator? Well, I want to be a MOD so I can help and answer the questions that are being asked on the game. Why Do you deserve moderator? In my opinion, MOD's need to be smart enough to think through tough decisions and that is what I am capable of doing. You're moderating COSAB when someone continues to spam chat and make racist comments towards someone. What do you do? I will warn him 3 times, 1st warn mute, 2nd kick/ban 3rd perma ban. You're friend has discovered a bug that can cause entire rounds to bug. It can even sometimes cause the server to crash. What do you do? I will fix it and reset the server. A host is abusing his powers and is banning people for no good reasons. What do you do? Report to Head Admin Another mod/admin has just banned you. What do you do? Report to Head Admin You have banned someone for breaking the rules. However, they have found out how to bypass ban and are hiding using alts. What do you do? Report to Head Admin Will you try to go on the staff chat everyday? http://www.dxforliferf.chatango.com ALWAYS If you comment on this forum topic with something that isn't an application form, your application may be ignored. Do you understand? Yes. You will only boot/ban when someone breaks the rules LISTED ON THE HELP FILE AND THE HUB, understood? Understood sir. You will not just ban someone. First, you give them a warning, if they continue, boot them, and if they still persist, that's when you ban them. Do you understand? It'l be stupid to ban someone quickly. Only mute people for disrespecting players, spamming chat, or trolling way too much. Understood? I know that. Acknowledging that you understand these terms and conditions means that you can't say you didn't know something you did was wrong. Understood? Yes If you break these terms and conditions, you may have your mod powers stripped and may even receive further punishment. Do you understand? I never abuse. Understood! xD Do you get all the ladies/men? HELL YEA How awesome are you? VERY AWESOME TO PLAY ANYTHING. What is the most important thing about COSAB? Having fun. Your epic signature here: Sasuke |
15 5 times a week 7/10 on a good day i want people to not be annyoed with other servers. so when i get on people say good swagganinja is on now i can play the right way! im good at using computers and it takes a really horrible day to get me mad. Ban them from my server. tell you or try to fix the bug.Maybe restart the server. Tell you get your aproval and ban him. txt him and ask why unless i was being unfair.Or tell you. Check everything and ban him perminetly. i will try. Yes and i am okay with that. Understood. Also understood. Understood. Understood. Yes i will be responsible. LADIES YESS!!!! Extremly Making sure everyone is playing fair. SWAG PPPPPOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! |
To apply, copy and paste this application form into your reply and fill it out. Not properly copying and pasting it will result in your application being ignored.
###Application Form### Sex: Male Age: 15 Activeness: Err.. i come on for atleast a few hours each day when i'm out of school that is. Maturity Level: i could say 6/10 when i'm not in a bad mood or in a joking mood. Why do you want moderator? Due to the annoyance of rounds being bugged when moderators arent on and or annoyance of certain players abusing bugs or simply being annoying? Why Do you deserve moderator? Thought moderator deserved me. You're moderating COSAB when someone continues to spam chat and make racist comments towards someone. What do you do? Well first i would simply warn them to stop then after mute them if it continues i'd boot them. You're friend has discovered a bug that can cause entire rounds to bug. It can even sometimes cause the server to crash. What do you do? I'd tell them to report the bug to you and tell them not to do it or tell others besides other trusted moderators about it or people higher up then that. A host is abusing his powers and is banning people for no good reasons. What do you do? Warn him then if he continues ban him and notify you. Another mod/admin has just banned you. What do you do? Go to gm chat and ask why. You have banned someone for breaking the rules. However, they have found out how to bypass ban and are hiding using alts. What do you do? I would warn them it is illegal to do this then after i would ban/boot them for doing this then notify you. Will you try to go on the staff chat everyday? http://www.dxforliferf.chatango.com Most likely. If you comment on this forum topic with something that isn't an application form, your application may be ignored. Do you understand? Well i'm pretty sure most of us do. You will only boot/ban when someone breaks the rules LISTED ON THE HELP FILE AND THE HUB, understood? Mhmm. You will not just ban someone. First, you give them a warning, if they continue, boot them, and if they still persist, that's when you ban them. Do you understand? Yes. Only mute people for disrespecting players, spamming chat, or trolling way too much. Understood? Alright. Acknowledging that you understand these terms and conditions means that you can't say you didn't know something you did was wrong. Understood? Yes. If you break these terms and conditions, you may have your mod powers stripped and may even receive further punishment. Do you understand? Of course. Do you get all the ladies/men? Does tapping that ass count? How awesome are you? Awesome enough to say hi? What is the most important thing about COSAB? For all those on it to enjoy it and for it to become a more better and popular game for its unique type of genre. Your epic signature here: ♨BlueVeistage♨ |
###Application Form###
Sex: Male Age: -16- Activeness: -20/7- Maturity Level: -High- Why do you want moderator? -To Help Game In Development and help frm scammers- Why Do you deserve moderator? -i have played the games lots of time and game is cool- You're moderating COSAB when someone continues to spam chat and make racist comments towards someone. What do you do? -First i give him wrning then Mute and after i unmute him and he does again i ban him for sometime- You're friend has discovered a bug that can cause entire rounds to bug. It can even sometimes cause the server to crash. What do you do? -i say him politely to repot the bug to zerok so if good for us if he dsnt listen ban- A host is abusing his powers and is banning people for no good reasons. What do you do? -i will just say it to u and try to stop him too- Another mod/admin has just banned you. What do you do? -Go to his/her BYOND page member web and asks 1-3 good reasons why I have been banned, then I will take the reasons to you, Zerok Kaiba.- You have banned someone for breaking the rules. However, they have found out how to bypass ban and are hiding using alts. What do you do? -First check his ip with his ban ip if it matches i ban him too- Will you try to go on the staff chat everyday? http://www.dxforliferf.chatango.com -Yeah i will be there 24/7- If you comment on this forum topic with something that isn't an application form, your application may be ignored. Do you understand? -YES,Sir- You will only boot/ban when someone breaks the rules LISTED ON THE HELP FILE AND THE HUB, understood? -Yes,Sir- You will not just ban someone. First, you give them a warning, if they continue, boot them, and if they still persist, that's when you ban them. Do you understand? -Yes,Sir. I do as u say- Only mute people for disrespecting players, spamming chat, or trolling way too much. Understood? -I do as u say- Acknowledging that you understand these terms and conditions means that you can't say you didn't know something you did was wrong. Understood? -kk- If you break these terms and conditions, you may have your mod powers stripped and may even receive further punishment. Do you understand? -Yes Sir- Do you get all the ladies/men? -Yes and No (^_^)- How awesome are you? -I cant even say my self but not awsome as u- What is the most important thing about COSAB? -HELP the game in reporting bugs and the game if full orgignals belongs to zerok kaiba- Your epic signature here: |
Female Age: 18 Activeness High Maturity Level 10/10.12 On a good day Why do you want moderator? Sometimes I see trollers or spammers and sometimes admin are offline or don't pay attention and are on different server. Why Do you deserve moderator? I deserve to be a moderator because I have had a lot of experience with trolls and think that I can tolerate them and handle them I also come on byond all of the time You're moderating COSAB when someone continues to spam chat and make racist comments towards someone. What do you do I would first give them a warning and if they continue I will mute them and if they continue I would do a boot and if they still go on I will go to another mute and a warning and if they do it again I will ban them You're friend has discovered a bug that can cause entire rounds to bug. It can even sometimes cause the server to crash. What do you do? Since I treat everyone the same I would give them a verbal warning and if they continue I will proceed to a boot then if they continue I will boot them again and if they do it again I will ban them A host is abusing his powers and is banning people for no good reasons. What do you do? Ban the host and report it to ZeroK Kaiba Another mod/admin has just banned you. What do you do? If a mod or admin has banned me I would ask them what I did wrong and try to correct it but if it was for no reason then I would report it to ZeroK Kaiba and see what he decides. You have banned someone for breaking the rules. However, they have found out how to bypass ban and are hiding using alts. What do you do? I would pay attention to the chat and be cautious about what goes on and if I see the persons alt then I would proceed to ban them and if they go on to another alt I would continue to ban them and then talk to ZeroK Kaiba about it. Will you try to go on the staff chat everyday? http://www.dxforliferf.chatango.com Yes If you comment on this forum topic with something that isn't an application form, your application may be ignored. Do you understand? Yes You will only boot/ban when someone breaks the rules LISTED ON THE HELP FILE AND THE HUB, understood? Yes You will not just ban someone. First, you give them a warning, if they continue, boot them, and if they still persist, that's when you ban them. Do you understand? Yes Only mute people for disrespecting players, spamming chat, or trolling way too much. Understood? Yes Acknowledging that you understand these terms and conditions means that you can't say you didn't know something you did was wrong. Understood? Yes If you break these terms and conditions, you may have your mod powers stripped and may even receive further punishment. Do you understand? Yes Do you get all the ladies/men? I get along with ladies. Some men How awesome are you? I am very awesome :D What is the most important thing about COSAB? To have fun! Your epic signature here: ILoveCake |
###Application Form###
5-7 hours 1 day
Maturity Level:
Why do you want moderator?
To help the players ban and boot the bug abusers and mute the bad ppls :D.
Why Do you deserve moderator?
I wanna make this game clean from abusers.
You're moderating COSAB when someone continues to spam chat and make racist comments towards someone. What do you do?
Tell him to stop it and if he continue spaming mute boot or ban him.
You're friend has discovered a bug that can cause entire rounds to bug. It can even sometimes cause the server to crash. What do you do?
I will report it to admin and tell my friend to not to use.
A host is abusing his powers and is banning people for no good reasons. What do you do?
Tell him to stop and report him to Zerok.
Another mod/admin has just banned you. What do you do?
I will ask him why did he banned me.
You have banned someone for breaking the rules. However, they have found out how to bypass ban and are hiding using alts. What do you do?
I will report him to Zerok.
Will you try to go on the staff chat everyday? http://www.dxforliferf.chatango.com
Yes i will.
If you comment on this forum topic with something that isn't an application form, your application may be ignored. Do you understand?
You will only boot/ban when someone breaks the rules LISTED ON THE HELP FILE AND THE HUB, understood?
You will not just ban someone. First, you give them a warning, if they continue, boot them, and if they still persist, that's when you ban them. Do you understand?
nly mute people for disrespecting players, spamming chat, or trolling way too much. Understood?
Acknowledging that you understand these terms and conditions means that you can't say you didn't know something you did was wrong. Understood?
If you break these terms and conditions, you may have your mod powers stripped and may even receive further punishment. Do you understand?
Do you get all the ladies/men?
Ladies :P
How awesome are you:
15/10 :P
What is the most important thing about COSAB?
Dunno :P
Your epic signature here:
$n!p3r :D