Thought I'd post something for once... Well, AS exams are currently killing me. Music + Music Tech coursework deadlines did infact temporarily destroy me.
On Byond news... Apparently BYONDAnime is now desolate and don't bother checking submissions etc.
ATP has infact collapsed. I have picked up on my rip again.
On me news... I've decided to start playing WoW in the summer... Summer will hopefully consist of playing gigs, getting pissed, and playing WoW through the night.
FMA news - Still waiting on Chris Gayle's release of his pixel projectile library.
NNA news - Update in the oven, should be out at the weekend.
May 10 2011, 11:53 am
That's life for you. When life gives you lemons. You throw them right back.
Yut Put wrote:
S3kshUn8 HaxX0r wrote: Orange juice is delicious. |
I did music as well, which is theory, performance and composition. Music tech on the other hand was over 60 hours of dedicated, controlled coursework and made me want to commit suicide.