Well, again, I am posting about the Pokémon game, which I have appropriately named "PokéBYOND". Catchy, right?
It will be a single player game, featuring all Generation 1 Pokémon(so long as everything goes as planned.).
So far, my progress is as follows:
-Very much interface work(Still incomplete)
-Player control set up, including the bag and Pokémon(Complete[for now])
-Move control(Complete[for now])
-Damage control(Complete[for now])
-Bag control(Not complete)
-Pokémon control(Not complete)
-Items control(Not complete)
-Battle control(Not complete)
I have also been working on separating the Pokémon from the spritesheet in my last post.
I have one issue. I cannot find icons for the battle screen, or the overworld itself for that matter.
So, I am here to ask for help. If anyone can find or make these from me, it would be greatly appreciated. I do not have much to offer in return, but I suppose I could make your starter Pokémon's EXP go up faster, as if it was traded. If that is what you want.
Well, if you are a kind soul willing to help, comment here please.
![]() May 9 2011, 4:33 pm
Or you could use older better-looking Pokemon sprites and graphics. Not that I like you making a game off of someone else's IP, but I'm sure it'd be easy to find the required tiles on the Spriters Resource.
(Black/White are too new to be on there yet.) |
Yeah, the look of the world in the new games is what attracted me to want to use their tiles the most. I could really care less of which type of Pokemon I use, which is why I let the public decide.
theres none of those on byond yet